“The development of a progressive and strong country is impossible without science! This is the basis for the formation and development of high personal career growth.”
The faculty carries out fruitful scientific research work, in which all faculty members, a significant part of bachelor’s degree students, masters, and postgraduate students are involved.
At the Faculty of Economics and Management, scientific and pedagogical workers conduct active innovative work to involve students in scientific work.
The purpose of this activity is to reveal the scientific and creative potential of students studying at the faculty, to develop their scientific thinking and research skills, to popularize the acquired knowledge, to form a readiness to use an innovative approach in the field of scientific research, and to integrate scientific, educational and industrial activities of students.
The main task of the scientific-pedagogical team of the faculty in this direction is the need to determine the scientific potential of students, recognize it in time, support it and direct it in the right creative direction.
A student scientific conference is held twice a year, in which students who presented their first scientific research (Ukrainian and English) take part.
Students take part in various business projects, international competitions of student scientific works.
Students take an active part in the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the academic disciplines of their specialties.
While studying their favorite profession, students have the most pleasant moments of knowledge and self-affirmation when, under the guidance of mentors, they master human wisdom and professional wisdom. Students engage in scientific research on various problems that are relevant and very dynamic, given the rapid changes in society, and therefore have a wide range of opportunities for scientific research.
The faculty provides measures to create an investment-attractive image of the university. Ensures the development of fundamental scientific research and applied development. Introduces information and communication technologies into the educational process, ensures the development of a modern material and technical research base at the departments.
Among the priorities: the integration of research and development of the departments into the national and international scientific and technological space, the development of scientific and innovative activities, ensuring an increase in the volume of farm contract work due to the increase in the innovativeness of scientific developments, intensifying the work of students and teachers in searching for and receiving grants for scientific research.
Ensuring the motivation of active scientific work of students, graduate students and young scientists through the development of scientific society and their involvement in scientific research. Increasing the number of conducted scientific events, participation in all-Ukrainian and international scientific competitions. Implementation of measures to support the scientific research of young scientists and gifted students, their involvement in scientific schools, conducting Olympiads, competitions of student scientific works and developments. Ensuring an increase in the publication activity of the department’s scientists due to their publication in leading national and international scientific journals, including those with a defined impact factor and scientific periodicals indexed in the international scientific metric databases Web of Science and Scopus.
Organization of continuous improvement of the competitiveness of teachers, graduate students, students and graduates of departments by creating conditions for fluent mastery of foreign languages, organization of ongoing internship and professional development programs abroad, English-language seminars, conferences, trainings with the involvement of representatives of educational institutions of other countries.
Therefore, the priority tasks of the faculty’s research work are:
1) participation of teachers, graduate students and students in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.;
2) activation of the work of the student scientific society for the purpose of in-depth study of the latest technologies in economic and management activities;
3) more active and effective involvement of students in participation in international contests of scientific works and grant programs;
4) intensification of the work of the faculty website in social networks in order to spread the scientific achievements of teachers, graduate students, and students;
5) continuation of work on the organization and holding of annual scientific and practical conferences, etc.