Preparation of students in the specialty “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities” is carried out to perform in the future organizational and management, commercial, analytical and research activities in the field of management, marketing, economy, entrepreneurship under the conditions of competition and market relations at enterprises with various forms of management.

Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange are activities that are successful in business, commerce and competition to improve the buying and selling process.

Entrepreneurship – is an initiative, creative, risk-related independent economic activity of an entity that constantly implements new combinations of resources to realize new ideas, launch new products and generate profits; organizational and economic innovation based on the use of various opportunities for the production of new or existing goods by new methods, creating new sources of raw materials, markets, reorganization of production etc.

Trade is any transaction performed due to contracts of sale, barter, deliveries and other civil contracts that involve the transfer of ownership of goods. Initiative, systematic, self-fulfilling, profit-making activity of legal and physical entities for the purchase and sale of goods to end consumers or intermediary operations, or activities for the provision of agency, representative, commission and other services for the promotion of goods from producer to consumer

Stock exchange activities are activities in the global financial markets, mastering financial market analysis methods and the ability to use exchange instruments effectively, the ability to make effective strategic decisions and forecast trends and hedge risks in the market.

It is the responsibility of the specialist to analyze the commodity markets and the competitiveness of the producers, to manage the production and to organize the efficient movement of goods in order to improve the results of activity.

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