The area of activity of a financier – planning and management of financial flows. The main task of the financier – to plan where to invest the money; to whom, and how much to borrow; what shares to buy and how profitably to sell theirs; be able to manage funds rationally, find ways to reduce costs and increase profits, manage effectively profits and profitability, exercise financial control; choose effective forms of payment and payment terms; be tax-minded, be able to protect  savings from inflation.

The future financier should have an analytical mind, strategic thinking, be responsible, attentive, determined, be able to take risks.

The speciality “Finance, Banking and Insurance” provides the knowledge required in the areas of:

Specialist in “Finance, Banking and Insurance” is ready for professional work in financial bodies of the state, regional and municipal levels, banks, exchanges, insurance companies, investment funds, economic services of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, in positions that require higher economic education.

Occupations: specialist in finance at enterprises of various forms of ownership, in public administration (State Treasury, Control and Auditing Department, Financial Management, State Tax Administration), in bodies of national social insurance, in banking institutions, investment companies, leasing companies.

Abilities and skills: basic knowedge of organization of financial work of economic entities, conducting anticrisis management of financial equilibrium of the enterprise, calculation of tax liabilities, planning of revenues and expenditures of budgets of different levels, organization of treasury service, provision of financial services (securities management, leasing, factoring, mortgages, etc.).