The Faculty of Economics and Management trains students for the distance-learning form of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following specialities:

051 “Economics”

071 “Accounting and Taxation”

072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”

073 “Management”

The Master’s course in 073 “Management” is conducted according to the following educational programs:

– “Logistics” EP

– “Management of Foreign Economic Activity” EP

– “Management of Organizations and Administration” EP

075 “Marketing”

076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”

Master’s course in 281 “Public Management and Administration”

– “Administration Management” EP

– “Regional Management” EP

There is a career – guidance and information department at Shostka Vocational Lyceum of the service sector, where consultations are held, students of distance-learning courses are provided with career – guidance, methodological and informational support is given for part-time students.

The Faculty is ready to cooperate with educational establishments of I-II level of accreditation through a network of vocational guidance and information departments by conducting distance learning.


Structure of the part-time students department of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Distance Education: Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor Larysa Poliatykina

Room 206 e

Phone number: (0542) 77-11-70

Internal phone number: 2-60


The training of specialists in Sumy NAU is financed at the expense of legal and individual entities.

Applicants need to submit personally the following documents to the SumyNAU admittion committee:

– the document of the state sample on the complete general secondary education (the document on the acquired educational and qualification level), the original or a copy of it, certified due to the established order;

– six color cards 3×4 cm in size;

– original work book (for applicants entering the places of budget financing);

– a copy of the employment record;

– copy of passport;

– a copy of the identification code;

– a copy of the marriage certificate (if applicable);

– Certificate of the Quality Assessment Ukrainian Center.

* The passport (birth certificate), military ID (certificate of registration), the documents giving entitlement for benefits are submited by the applicant personally within the deadlines specified for the submission of documents.


SNAU Admission Committee Address: 40021, Sumy, Gerasyma Kondratieva street, 160.