Viktoriia Makarova

Doctor of Economics,  Professor




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1999 – 2002 years – studying at the College of Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty «Accounting and audit», diploma with honour.

2003-2005 years – studying at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty «Accounting and audit», diploma with honour.

2009 year – courses of Expert assessment of land, Certificate of expert

2017-2018 years – studying at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Food Technology”, diploma with honour.

2019-2020 – studies at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Geodesy and Land Management”, diploma with honour.

Work experience:

2002-2008 years – senior laboratory assistant of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing Department  Sumy National Agrarian University

2008-2013рр.- Assistant of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing Department Sumy National Agrarian University

2013-2016рр. – senior lecturer of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing Department  Sumy National Agrarian University

2016 year – defence of the dissertation on the specialty 08.00.06 “Economics of nature using and environmental protection” on the topic: “Ecological and economic restrictions of the development of land-lease relations in agricultural production”

2018 year – awarded the scientific title of associate professor of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing Department Sumy National Agrarian University

2016-2019 years – associate professor of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing Department Sumy National Agrarian University

2019 -2020 years – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management for Academic Affairs, associate professor of the Marketing and Logistics Department.

03.09.2021 – defence of doctoral dissertation in the Specialized Scientific Council of Sumy State University in the specialty 08.00.06 – Economics of nature using and environmental protection on the topic: “Ecological and economic organization of sustainable agricultural land use”.

Since 2022 – professor of the Marketing and Logistics Department.

Certification training:

2017 – Internships in the curriculum “Advancing sustainable agriculture – 360o farm evaluation and participatory strategy development” within the framework of the “RISE” project (22-26 May 2017).

2019 – Internship in the framework of the European Union’s Erasmus + KA2 Academic Mobility Program (TOPAS) at RITTLE COLLEGE, UK (10.03.2019-23.03.2019)

2022 – Raising the qualification with the program “Social media marketing: basic course of a teacher” at Sumy State University (17.02.2022 – 23.02.2022). Certificate of advanced training of СП №05408289 / 0724-22 dated 23.02.2022

2022 – International internship under the in-service training program “Fundraising and organization of project activities in educational institutions: European experience”. For pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical lawyers (12.02.2022 – 20.03.2022) Poland

2023 – International internship within the academic mobility program of the European Union Erasmus+ (08.05-12.05.2023) Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey

2023 – Educational workshop “National regulation and implementation of the third mission in higher education institutions – experience and cooperation with social partners” (August 22-25, 2023) University of Latvia (University of Latvia), Riga, Latvia

The main courses are: in ukr. Language – “Investment Analysis”, “Relationship Marketing”, “Marketing Distribution Policy”, “Digital marketing“; in English – “Business Analysis”

Areas of scientific research: 

1) Marketing analysis of agricultural enterprises;
2) Formation and functioning of marketing policy of distribution of agricultural enterprises;
3) Digitalization of marketing activities of agribusiness enterprises;
4) Ecological and economic aspects of the functioning of land relations in terms of sustainable development

 Grant, budget and contracting topics:

 1) “Assessment of the level of insurance protection of agricultural enterprises” (state registration number 0115U001052, deadline 2015-2017)

2) “Forecasting the socio-economic development of Sumy region” (deadline 2018-2019) Implementer of the section: Temporary accommodation and catering.

3) Implementation of research work (providing services for the development of scientific and technical products) at the expense of the Department of Culture of the Sumy Regional State Administration on the topic: Marketing research of the market of tourist services

Section 2. Analysis of the ratio of supply and demand of tourist services
Section 6. Research of conditions for realization of tourist services

Preparing a student to participate in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works (winner)
Student of specialty 075 “Marketing” Shkurko Zhanna
Theme of scientific work – Strategies for promoting the products of enterprises in social networks
She was awarded the Diploma of the III degree based on the results of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works on specialization “Economics and Management in Trade”, which took place on April 27, 2021 on the basis of Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade