Valentyna Mushtai

PhD, Associate Professor




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Was born in December 15, 1973 in Sumy, Ukraine.

1991-1996 y. – studying at the Faculty of Economics of Sumy Agricultural Institute, specialty “Accounting and Audit”, diploma with honors.

1998-2001 y. – Postgraduate study at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty 08.06.02 “Enterprise, Management and Marketing”.

1996 – Assistant of the Department of Finance, Sumy Agricultural Institute.

2002 – 2003 y. – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, AGD and Marketing of Sumy State Tax Administration.

2003 – in. at. Assistant Professor of Statistics, AGD and Marketing Department of Sumy State Administration.

2004 – 2019 y. – Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, AGD and Marketing of Sumy NAU.

2019 to this very day – Assistant Professor of Department Marketing and Logistics of Sumy NAU.

2003 y. – defended her dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.07.02- Agricultural Economics and Agrarian Policy on the topic “Economic mechanism of formation of food potential of the region as a basis for stability of social development”.

2003 y. – Awarded the academic title of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty “Agricultural Economics and AIC”.

2004 y. – awarded scientific degree of associate professor of statistics, AGD and marketing of SNAU.

The main subjects of study are: “Basics of the scientific research”, “Basics of the scientific research and academic writing”, “Market infrastructure”? “Consumer behavior”, “Marketing research”, “Strategic marketing”. “Tourism marketing”.

Field of research: Strategic marketing analysis of the activities of enterprises in the regional market.

Grant, state budget and contracting topics:

R&D “Management of enterprise competitiveness on the basis of innovative marketing” (state registration number 0119U100250, 2019-2021)R&D “Strategic management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises” (state registration number 0121U113074, 2021-2025)R&D “Marketing support of the agri-food products market in the conditions of sustainable development” (state registration number 0121U113070, 2021-2025)R&D (provision of services for the development of scientific and technical products at the expense of the Department of Culture of the Sumy Regional State Administration) “Marketing research of the market of tourist services” (implementation period – December 2021 – January 2022)

Chapter Responsible: Chapter 4 Definition of Competition and Barriers to Market Entry.

Executor of a scientific topic (GDT). Development of the company’s marketing strategy (April 2023 – December 2023).

Advanced training, internship:

SNAU, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Counseling, Sumy, 20.03.-30.04.2015. Under the program “School – a seminar of pedagogical skills” (certificate of professional development, registration number 668/15 dated 30.04.2015).

Passed the attestation in the attestation commission at Sumy NAU on the possession of the state language, 2018.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Research Institute of Continuing Education and Tourism, 16.09.2019 -02.10.2019 According to the program “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity” (certificate of advanced training SS 00493706/010259 – 19; registration number 10259 from 02.10.2019).

Overseas internship under the program “Fundraising and Organization of Project Activities in Educational Establishments: European Experience” (Fundraising and Organization of Project Activities in Educational Establishments: European Experience), and developed training project on “Mechanism of Strategic Logistics Management” of Agricultural Food Projects ”(“ Mechanism of Strategic Logistical Management of Relations of Agro-food Market Subjects ”), Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies, Jagiellonian University (12.02-20.03.2022, Krakow, Republic of Poland, certificate SZFL-001695) Minutes of the SNAU Academic Council №12 dated April 25, 2022)

Advanced qualification “Leadership during the war” No. SS00493014/000691-22 (Poltava State Agrarian University, December 22, 2022) (Participant’s certificate).

Preparation of students for participation in the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works (prize winners)

Students of specialty 075 “Marketing” Shapoval V.V. and Vovk V.I.

The topic of the scientific work is the formation of the marketing system of an agricultural enterprise

Awarded II degree diplomas based on the results of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works on International relations, public communications and regional studies, which took place on April 11, 2019 at the West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil.

Other information: Deputy Head of the Department of Methodological Work.