Viacheslav Pylypenko

Ph.D., Professor




Google Scholar:


Scopus ID:

Scopus ID: 57212550795

Web of Science ResearcherID: W-2519-2018



1979 – 1984 Specialist degree, «Economics and organization of agriculture production «(Social Sciences )

1992-1996 – study at PhD program at Sumy State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Specialty – 08.07.02. Економіка сільського господарства і АПК (1996)

The main courses are: Political Economy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics

Main field of scientific interests: sustainable development, socio-economic aspects of the modern technological revolution, rural development.

 Recent training:

Modem Teaching Methods and Innovative Technologies in Higher Education: European Experience and Global Trend (Sofia, Bulgaria, 15 September 2021 – 31 October 2021)

Projects Experience:

1) Project for forecasting the economic and social development of the Romensky district, contract No. 84 dated March 16, 2018;

2) Project for forecasting the economic and social development of the Glukhovsky district, contract No. 85 dated March 16, 2018;

3) Project for forecasting the economic and social development of the Sumy region, contract No. 86 dated March 16, 2018;

4) Project for forecasting the economic and social development of the Velikopisarevskiy district, contract No. 875 of 03/16/2018.

5) Strategy for the sustainable development of the territorial community of Velikopisarevskaya settlement until 2027, contract No. 5-5-1 dated 05.05.2021