Mykola Hordiienko

Ph.D., Professor




Google Scholar:


Web of Science ID:  W-1446-2018


He was born on September 14, 1963 in the village of Korovyntsi of the Nedryhail district of the Sumy region.

In 1990, he graduated from the Sumy Agricultural Institute, majoring in «Accounting and analysis of economic activity in agriculture» and qualified as an economist in accounting in agriculture (diploma LV №424050).

Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2000 (diploma of the State University № 007289 dated June 27, 2000, protocol №34-06/6).

Professor of the Department of  Economic Control and Audit since 2015 (professor’s certificate 12 PR №010304 dated February 26, 2015).

Since September 2024, professor Department of Accounting and Taxation.


The main courses are: «Organization of  accounting», «Forensic accounting examination», «Audit of administrative activities», «Tax policy».

Areas of scientific research: Improvement of accounting, auditing, taxation. Development and application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Auditing Standards (IAS). Has more than 100 professional articles, including the author of publications in foreign publications and publications indexed in the Scopus scientometric database, 17 manuals (textbooks), participated in international conferences abroad.

Participation in DBT, GDT, international projects:

  1. Methodology for research and determination of income from agricultural activity for FSP payers (State registration number 0106U009418). Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Gordienko M.I. The cost is UAH 27,000.
  2. Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the organization of accounting and taxation at enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy (State registration number 0119U102486). Academic supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor M.I. Gordienko. Within the limits of the educational load (own funds), and others.

Other information:

CAPA Professional Agribusiness Accountant Certificate (№130323, 2013).

Academy of  Management and Administration in Opole (Poland). The content of  the training was: «Innovations and Foreign Experience of Accounting and Taxation of Activity of Subjecta of  Agrarian Sphere» 01 of  Мarch to 31 of May 2020. Total – 180 hours.