2023 – 2024 academic year
- Pasko, O., Zhang, L., Oriekhova, A., Hordiienko, M., & Tkal, Y. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and corporate tax aggressiveness: Evidence of mandatory vs. voluntary regulatory regimes impact. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21(2), 682–700.
- Pasko О., Zhang L., Oriekhova А., Aleksanyan V., Hordiienko М., Tkal Y. (2023) Does financial auditor impact sustainability reporting? The effect of Big 4 financial audit on CSR reports quality in China, Intellectual Economics December 2023. Special 17 № 2., 330-361 p.p.
- Ivankov V., Chukhlib A., Stender S., Azarenkov G., Nazarenko I. Analysis of the prospects for the introduction of digital technologies in the Ukrainian economy and accounting. REICE: Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Económicas. 2023.11(22), 68–86.
- Lyshchenko O., Ocheret’koL., LukanovskaI., Sobolieva-Tereshchenko O, Nazarenko I. The role of financial audit in ensuring the reliability of financial statements. AD ALTA: JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH. 2024. Special I. (14/01-XXXIX.), pp. 141 – 145. URL:
- Oneshko S., Nazarenko O., Yaremko I., Pysarchuk O., Koval O. (2023). Accounting and Financial Reporting in the IT Sphere of Ukraine: Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice. № 5 (52), 79-96 DOI:
- Laichuk, S., Yatsko, M., Koval, L., Dovzhyk, O., & Harkusha, S. (2023). Ensuring cybersecurity in accounting in the digital economy era. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 6(53), 145–157.
- Reznik Nadiia, Makarenko Nataliia, Lyshenko Marharyta, Makarova Viktoriia, Polyatykina Larysa, Ivchenko Andrii. Regional methodological aspects of marketing research in the field of tourism. Taylor and Francis, (USA). 2024. Vol. 40, pp. 312-319.
- Lukanovska, Yarmila Tkal, Uliana Motorniuk (2024). The Impact of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies on the Accounting and Audit Systems. Economic Affairs, Vol. 69 (Special Issue), pp. 107-115, February 2024. DOI: 10.46852/0424-2513.1.2024.13
- Pasko, O., Zhang, L., Oriekhova, A., Gerasymenko, N., & Polishchuk, O. (2023). Solving the choice puzzle: Financial and non-financial stakeholders preferences in corporate disclosures. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 20(4), 434–451.
2022-2023 academic year
- Pasko, O., Chen, F., Kuts, T., Sharko, I., & Ryzhikova, N. (2022). Sustainability reporting nexus to corporate governance in scholarly literature. Environmental Economics, 13(1), 61–78.
- Pasko, O., Yang, Z., Tkachenko, V., Proskurina, N., & Pushkar, I. (2022). Does female representation on corporate boards boost the strengthening of internal control in socially responsible firms? Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(4), 294–308.
- Pasko, O., Lagodiienko, N., Kudlaieva, N., Riabenko, L., & Gerasymenko, N. (2022). Does corporate governance moderate the effect of corporate social responsibility on a firm’s financial performance? Problems and Perspectives in Management, 20(4), 588–601.
- Spitsina , A., Plukar , L., Maslyhan, O., Moroz , T., Kasmin , D., Nazarenko, I. (2022). Digitalization of the economy as a factor of sustainable state development against the background of large-scale military aggression (ukrainian experience). Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 6(47), 304–315.
- Syrtseva, S., Ivaniuk, U., Fedotova, I., Hurina, O., Dovzhyk, O., & Nazarenko, O. (2022). Innovative potential and development of Ukrainian small enterprises during the war (2022-2023). Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 222-232.
- Viktoriia Voloshyna-Sidei, Olga Ievsieieva, Olena Maslyhan, Svitlana Syrtseva, Olena Nesterenko, & Serhii Harkusha (2023). Strategic guidelines for the development of the economy in the conditions of global challenges and military aggression (Ukrainian case).Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 1(48), 219–228.
- Lishenko M.O., Poliatykina L.I. (2023). Mathematical approach to the formation of a methodological basis of ekonomic rationality of interaction of the system of logistics management in agriculture. Financial and credit: activity problems of thecry and practice. № 3
- Halyna Nazarova, Oleksandr Yurchenko, Inesa Shepel, Yarmila Tkal and Ihor Yaremko. Development of Accounting and Auditing in EU Countries: Comparative Aspect. Economic Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 01s, pp. 329-334, February 2023. URL:
2021 – 2022 academic year
- Pasko, O., Chen, F., Tkal, Y., Hordiienko, M., Nakisko, O., & Horkovenko, I. (2021). Do Converged to IFRS National Standards and Corporate Governance Attributes Affect Accounting Conservatism? Evidence from China. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, 29 (2).
- 2. Hordiienko, M., Pasko, O., Zhang, L., Tkal, Y., Popova, L., & Abraham, Y. (2021). Can CSR Engagement and Strong Internal Control Enhance Sustainable Corporate Growth? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 15(3), 497–521.
- Pasko, O., Balla, I., Levytska, I., & Semenyshena, N. (2021). Accountability on Sustainability in Central and Eastern Europe: An Empirical Assessment of Sustainability-Related Assurance. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 24(3), 27–52.
- Pasko, O. (2022). Institutionally Speaking, are Global Standards Adoptable in a Given Jurisdiction? A Critical Analysis of the IFRS’s Use in Ukraine through the Lens of New Institutional Accounting. PeriodicaPolytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 30(1), 36–48.
- Ganna Bulkot, Nadia Bugay, Sergey Yekimov, Viktoriia Nianko, Iryna Nykyforak, Serhii Harkusha (2022). Application of Accounting Outsourcing on the Pridneprovskaya Railway, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 61, Pages 74-77,
- Makedon V., Dzeveluk A., Khaustova Y., Bieliakova O., Nazarenko I. Enterprise Multi-Level Energy Efficiency Management System Development. International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics. 2022. Volume 29. Issue 1. URL:
- Lichen Niu, Oleksandr Nazarenko, Junmin Chen and Zetao Hu (2021). Innovation and selection of family farms’ marketing channels in Henan Province under the “Internet+” environment. Innovative Marketing, 17 (4), 132-145. doi:10.21511/im.17 (4).2021.12.
- Larysa Poliatykina, Iryna Samoshkina, Victoria Borisova. Accounting and financial problems of bank lending to agro-industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing», 2022, Volume 8 Number 1. pp. 126-133.
2020 – 2021 academic year
- Hordiienko M., Koblianska І., Pasko О., Yarova I. (2020). Are Peasant Households Feasible in Terms of Policy? The Debate on the Future of Semi-Subsistence Households in Ukraine. Eastern European Countryside, 26 (2020), p. p. 127-179 DOI:
- Hordiienko, M., Pasko, O., Minta, S., Rudenko, S. (2020). Do poor and good performing companies report differently? The readability and impression management in corporate narrative documents: evidence from Northern Europe. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), (2020) p.p. 835-849. DOI:
- Nazarenko I., Plaksiienko V., Nazarenko O., Sokolenko L. Strategic scenario planning of the agrarian sector development. International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo Conference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2020 August (5.2), pp. 489-496.
- Pasko, O., Chen, F., Oriekhova, A., Brychko, A., & Shalyhina, I. (2021). Mapping the Literature on Sustainability Reporting: A Bibliometric Analysis Grounded in Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(1), 303.
- Pasko, O., Marenych, T., Diachenko, O., Levytska, I., & Balla, I. (2021). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: the case study of Ukrainian public agricultural companies. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 58–80.