Associate Professor of Public management and administration department,
E-mail: stovolos-nb@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9581-4087
Scopus Author ID: 57223367247
Goggle Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=0767ivEAAAAJ
1987-1989 – studied at the Sumy Agricultural College, specialty “Agricultural Production Planning”.
1990-1996 – Studied at Kharkiv Economic University, qualification of engineer-economist, specialty “Management in the production sphere”.
1990-2002 – workshop economist “Sumy NPO” JSC named after Frynze.
2002-2003 – assistant at the Department of Management in the branches of the AIC of Sumy National Agrarian University.
2003-2013 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management in the branches of the AIC of Sumy National Agrarian University.
06.2012 – defended her thesis for a PhD of Economic Sciences on the topic: “Strategy for Organic Production Development as a Basis for Ensuring Environmental Safety of AIC”, specialty 08.00.06 – Economics of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection at the Specialized Academic Council in the Donetsk State University of Management and received a scientific degree of PhD of economic sciences.
2013-2019 – Associate Professor at the Department of Management in the branches of the AIC of Sumy National Agrarian University.
06.2015 – got the rank of Associate Professor of Management in the fields of agriculture.
From 2019 Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration.
The main subjects of study: “Public administration”, “Communication in public administration”, “State regional administration”, “Territorial economic management”
Field of research: Current trends in social development
Upgrading (Internship) in the Schiller International University (Paris, France) on the program “Organization of the Learning Process, Innovative Learning Methods and Technologies: The Experience of the Schiller International University” April 18-28, 2017. (Certificate No. 02-17 P41 of 04/28/2017).
- Completion of an international internship under the TSUENS program “Formation of professional competences of a specialist in the field of public management and administration” in the specialty “Public management and administration” at the Higher School of Management of Information Systems (ISMA) in Riga, Republic of Latvia from 11/21/2022 to 01/01/ 2023