Scientific supervisor Kharchenko T.O.
- Kharchenko T.O., Adamenko L.I. Improvement of tools for the implementation of state policy in the field of development of emergency medical care. Mechanisms of Scientific and Technical Potential Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, 2023. FOP Marenichenko V.V., Dnipro, Ukraine. Pp. 32-34.
- Kharenko T.O., Gulenok N.M. Assessment of the state of implementation of state policy in the field of providing medical services to the population. Mechanisms of Scientific and Technical Potential Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, 2023. FOP Marenichenko V.V., Dnipro, Ukraine. Pp. 61-63.
- Dyachenko O.O., Kharchenko T.O. Theoretical foundations of the formation and implementation of the personnel management system. XII International scientific-practical conference “Economics of the enterprise”: modern problems of theory and practice” (Odesa, September 8, 2023). Odesa: ONEU, 2023. P 514-516.
- Dyachenko O.O., Kharchenko T.O. Basic components of personnel management in the system of administrative management of the enterprise. Modern trends in the development of science, education, technologies and society: a collection of theses of reports of the international scientific and practical conference (Poltava, September 12, 2023): in 2 h. Poltava: TsFEND, 2023. Part 2. Pp. 41-42.
- Kravchenko B.M., Kharchenko T.O. Theoretical principles of management of a communally owned institution: status and suggestions for improvement. Enterprise economics: modern problems of theory and practice: Materials of the twelfth international science and practice Conf., September 8, 2023. Odesa: ONEU, 2023. Pp. 516-58.
- Kravchenko B.M., Kharchenko T.O. Improvement of asset management of communally owned enterprises. Modern trends and prospects for the development of science, education, technologies and society: a collection of abstracts of reports of the international scientific and practical conference (Kremenchuk, November 18, 2023). Kremenchuk: TSFEND, 2023. Pp. 31-33.
- Kharchenko T.O., Teslenko Yu.M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy on providing emergency medical care. Mechanisms of Scientific and Technical Potential Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, 2023. FOP Marenichenko V.V., Dnipro, Ukraine. Pp. 139-141.
- Kharchenko T.O., Bezruchko A.O. Management technologies in the system of enterprise development strategy planning. Enterprise economics: modern problems of theory and practice: Materials of the twelfth international science and practice Conf., September 8, 2023. Odesa: ONEU, 2023. P. 512-514.
- Kharchenko T. O., Ponomarenko O. V. Foreign experience in the field of improving the management system of medical institutions. The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of science, education and society” (August 14-16, 2023) SPC “Sci-conf.com.ua”, Kyiv, Ukraine С. 546-553.