Doctor of Economics, Professor
E-mail: y.danko@snau.edu.ua
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=h3i_MMYAAAAJ
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1843477/yuriy-i-danko/
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56447014600
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9847-1593
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/-yuriy-danko/
Date and place of birth – March 25, 1982 in the village of Perekhrestivka, Romny district, Sumy region, Ukraine.
Education: 1999-2003 – Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Management”, bachelor’s degree.
2003-2004 – Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”, master’s degree.
2011 – PhD in Economics. The topic of the dissertation is “Organizational and economic principles of marketing development of agricultural enterprises”. Specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity)
2013 – academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Analysis of Economic Activity and Marketing.
2016 – D.Sc. in Economics. The topic of the dissertation is “Competitiveness management systems of of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice”. Specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity)
2018 –academic title of Professor at the Department of Statistics, Analysis of Economic Activity and Marketing.
- 2004 – 2011 – assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor at Sumy National Agrarian University.
- 2011 – 2012 Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department of the NIKMAS Group.
- 2012 – 2018 – head of the research department of Sumy National Agrarian University.
- Since 2018 – part-time professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of Sumy National Agrarian University.
- Since 2018 – Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Sumy National Agrarian University. Since 2022 – Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Activities.
Main subjects: “Communications in the science” for postgraduate students (Ukrainian, English)
Scientific work: more than 120 publications, including more than 20 articles in international journals, indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science.
- Founder and head of the scientific school “Marketing and Competitiveness of Socio-Economic Systems in the Context of Sustainable Development”.
- Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council D 55.859.01 at Sumy National Agrarian University. Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.102.05 at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
- 4 doctoral and 5 PhD theses were defended under his supervision. Scientific consultant of 1 doctoral student and scientific supervisor of 3 graduate students. He has repeatedly acted as an opponent and member of one-time specialized academic councils in higher education and research institutions.
- Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University: Economics and Management”. He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex” and “Problems and Perspectives in Management”, which is indexed in the Scopus.
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the specialty “Economics of Agro-Industrial Complex and Agriculture”. Scientific supervisor of students who became winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialties “Marketing”, “Management in the field of economic competition”, “Economics of agro-industrial complex and agriculture”, etc.
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the All-Ukrainian (National) Competition of Scientific and Educational Publications “Open Science, Sustainable Development and Innovative Technologies”
- Member of the organizing committee of the International scientific conference of economics and management researchers, indexed in the Scopus SPB.
Connection with business, grant, state budget, economic contract topics.
- 2011-2013 – Head of Department and Personnel Development at Nicmas Concern (Ukrtechnosintez)
- Scientific grant of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists “Management of competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of innovative marketing”. (0119U100250). Deadlines: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2022
- Scientific grant of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists “Formation of a mechanism for the implementation of integrated territorial management in the conditions of transition to sustainable development” (0117U006534). Duration: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2020
- Scientific grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Scientific substantiation of agrotechnological and economic parameters of cultivation and storage of crop production in organic production” (0121U109561) Duration: 01.2019 -12.2022
- Head of the ERASMUS+ CA2 INTERADIS grant project “Integration and adaptation of foreign students”
- Head of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet grant project “Improving the content of organic farming education in Ukraine in accordance with the EU Action Plan.”
- Executor of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet grant project “Production and dissemination of circular economy ideas in accordance with the EU Action Plan”
- Coordinator of the grant project of the International Labor Organization and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark “Expanding employment opportunities through the development of green and craft tourism within the “Tourist Triangle of Sumy Region.”
Advanced training/academic mobility:
- 2019 – internship at Georgia State University (United States of America) under the “Technology transfer training program”
- 2021 – internship at the Business Academy of the Netherlands within the framework of the ERASMUS+ CA2 INTERADIS project “Integration and adaptation of foreign students”
- 2022 – advanced training of heads of higher education institutions “Features of management of higher education institutions in the educational process under martial law”
Membership in public associations:
- Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine with a degree in Marketing
- Head of the Sumy branch of the All-Ukrainian scientific public organization “Innovative University”
- Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Public Organization “Council of Young Scientists”
- Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Public Organization “Beauty and Intelligence of Sumy Region KRoS”
- Member of the All-Ukrainian Marketing Association
Awards and honours:
- Diploma of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (2011)
- Laureate of the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Special Achievements of Youth in the Development of Ukraine (2011)
- Laureate of the regional prize in the field of education. A. S. Makarenko (2014)
- Honorary Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2017)
- Fellow of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018-2020)
- Badge of the NMC “Agroeducation” “For the Introduction of Innovations in Education” (2018)
- Laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2019)
- Certificate of Merit of the Head of the Sumy Regional State Administration (2020)
- Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2021)
- Fellow of the Artes Liberales Foundation (Poland, 2022)
Further information
- Member of the Presidium of the Council of Vice-Rectors for Research at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Member of the Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Scientific Objects of National Heritage
- Deputy Chairman of the Expert Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science “Economic Transformations; Demographic Changes and Well-Being of Society” (2017-2021)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the Sumy Region Regional Development Agency
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Sumy Territorial Branch of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Honorary Consultant of the European Agrophysical Institute (China)
- Visiting Professor at the European Institute of Postgraduate Education (Slovakia)