Ph.D., Associate Professor
E–mail: ne_va@ukr.net
Google Scholar:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8257-2720
Researcher ID: W-1042-2018
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57211953685
Date and place of birth – October 26, 1971, Donetsk, Ukraine.
Education: 1989 – 1994 – training at the Sumy Agricultural Institute in the specialty “Zooengineering” and obtained the qualification “Zooengineer”;
1997 – 2000 – studies at Sumy State Agrarian University majoring in Accounting and Auditing and qualified as an economist in accounting
Total work experience – 30 years, including teaching – 25 years
The main stages of pedagogical activity in higher educational establishments of the III-IV accreditation level:
02.2002 – assistant at 0.5 rate of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, SNAU
09.2002 – assistant of the chair of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing, SNAU
09.2004 – Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, Business Analysis and Marketing, SNAU
Since September 2019 – Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics of SNAU
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences since 2004. She defended her PhD thesis in 2004 in the specialized scientific council K67.830.02 of Kherson State Agrarian University. In 2004 he was awarded the scientific degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the field of breeding and breeding animals.
In 2008, she was awarded the rank of Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, AGD and Marketing of SNAU.
The main courses are:
- “Marketing of an industrial enterprise”,
- “Advertising management”,
- “Marketing management”,
- “Marketing management in veterinary medicine”
Areas of scientific research – research of agricultural markets of the region and Ukraine, marketing of the agricultural market.
Has 88 scientific and educational-methodical publications, of which :, 36 scientific articles in professional editions, included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; – 3 articles in scientometric bases: Scopus (2019), 3 lecture notes, – 27 abstracts of international and all-Ukrainian conferences, – 19 methodological recommendations
Grant, state budget and economic contract topics:
- “Organizational and economic support for the development of the agri-food market”, state registration number 0116U002755 (2016-2020)
- “Marketing support of the agri-food market in the context of sustainable development” (state registration number 0121U113070, 2021-2025)
Training, internship.
- 2010 – NPP “Informvneshservice”, Kharkiv.
- 2013 – Training under the program “Development of distance courses in the Moodle system”, Sumy National Agrarian University
- 2016 – Sumy Biological Factory
- 2017 – certification in the attestation commission at Sumy NAU on proficiency in the state language.
- 2020 – scientific and pedagogical internship for teachers in Opole (Poland) on the subject of the courses: marketing management, marketing, economics and business 2022 – scientific and pedagogical internship at the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Economics and Management
She is the head of preparation of students for marketing and trade Olympiads, the head of scientific works of students of specialty “Marketing”.