Date and place of birth – January 17, 1977, Sumy, Ukraine.
1995-2001 – Sumy State Agrarian University, specialty – “Management of organizations”, master’s degree
2022-2023 – Sumy National Agrarian University,
specialty “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity”, masters degree, branch of knowledge “Management and administration”
2010 – thesis defense for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Dissertation thesis “Economic development of soybean-producing enterprises”. Specialty 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management (by types of economic activity)
In 2012, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Merchandising.
December 2020 – dissertation defense for the Doctor of Economics degree. Dissertation topic “Marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises in conditions of sustainable development: theory, methodology, practice.” Specialty 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management (by types of economic activity)
February 2021 – awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences
August 2022 – awarded the academic title of professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics.
Total work experience – 22 years, incl. teaching – 22 years
The main stages of scientific and pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions with an indication of the position and place of work.
01.09.2001 – 31.08.2003 – assistant of the department of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of the Sumy National Agrarian University; Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance for academic work
01.09.2003 – 31.08.2010 – senior lecturer of the department of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of the Sumy National Agrarian University; Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of “Economics and Entrepreneurship” for educational and educational work
09/01/2010 – 08/31/2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of Commodity Studies of the Sumy National Agrarian University;
01.09.2012 – 03.02.2015 – associate professor of the department of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of the Sumy National Agrarian University;
02/03/2015 – 08/31/2017 – head of the department, associate professor of the department of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of the Sumy National Agrarian University;
09/01/2017 – 08/31/2019 – associate professor of the department of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of the Sumy National Agrarian University;
09/01/2019 – 08/31/2021 – Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Sumy National Agrarian University;
01.09.2021 – until now – professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Main academic disciplines:
- Marketing – for students of the 3rd year of the specialty 075 “Marketing”.
- Marketing – for students of the 3rd year of specialties of the Faculty of Economics and Management
- Marketing of territories – for students of the 2nd year of specialty 075 “Marketing”.
- Marketing communications – for students of the 4th year of the specialty 075 “Marketing”.
- Marketing of the hotel and restaurant business – for students of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Food Technology
- Formation of marketing strategies in agribusiness – for graduate students of specialty 075 “Marketing”
Scientific work: the author of more than 120 scientific works (monographs (of which 1 – solo, 7 – co-authored, including 2 – foreign editions (in English); including 43 scientific articles in specialized publications, included to the list approved by the Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, including 10 articles in international publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
1 PhD thesis was defended under the supervision. Academic supervisor of 4 graduate students. She repeatedly acted as an opponent of specialized academic councils in leading institutions of higher education and scientific institutions.
Communication with business, grant, state budget, farm contract topics.
Today, she advises companies in the field of marketing and agribusiness. She is a practicing marketer and a specialist in the expansion of sales markets. During 2013-2014 the head of the marketing service (on a part-time basis) of the Sumy Biological Factory SE, and from September 2017 to April 2020 (on a part-time basis) – the head of the marketing department of InterAgroStandard LLC in the city of Poltava
Participant of the NDR: “Organizational and economic support for the development of the agro-food market” (state registration number 0116U002755) and “Development of systems for ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of globalization” (state registration number 0116U002754)., “Marketing support for the agro-food market in conditions of sustainable development” (implementation period 2021-2024).
Advanced training/academic mobility:
- international internship on the topic “The international scientific and educational internship: Marketing management in the context of sustainable development” (Tallinn, Estonia); internship period April 14 – July 13, 2021; (Tallinn, Estonia);
- International internship – Digital marketing in advertising business and brand management: theory and practice (Tallinn, Estonia) from 04/01/2023 to 06/30/2023, 6 ESTS credits (Certificate No. 221/2023).
- Advanced qualification under the program “Time – management – the art of managing the time of a scientific and pedagogical worker” (certificate No. ADV-290592-PSAU dated 07.09.2023 (study period 05.29.2023-07.09.2023, 6 credits. ECTS)
Membership in public associations:
- Member of the Public Organization “All-Ukrainian Congress of Academic Economists of Agrarians”
- Member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Marketing Association”.
The direction of scientific work – Marketing strategies of the development of enterprises in the field of agribusiness, marketing of “green tourism”.
She is the tutor of preparing students for marketing olympiads, the manager of scientific works of students majoring in “Marketing”