Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor
E-mail: nataliia.makarenko@snau.edu.ua
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=gSBkMCAAAAAJ&hl=ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7354-5122
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1824614/nataliia-makarenko/
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57203529980
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/makarenko-nataliia/
Date and place of birth – 30 October 1977 year Katerynivka village of Lebedyn district, Sumy region, Ukraine
Education: 1994 – 1999 years – Studied at Sumy State Agrarian University with a degree in Organization Management and received the qualification of economist of the organizer.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work in higher educational establishments of III-IV level of accreditation 23 years, in SNAU – 21 years.
The main stages of pedagogical activity in institutions of higher education of the III-IV accreditation level:
- 1999 – 2002 years – the head of the day department of the specialty «Business Economics» at the college SNAU.
- 2002 –2003 years – Assistant of Department of Statistics, analysis and marketing SNAU.
- 2003 – 2016 years – Senior Lecturer of Department of Statistics, analysis and marketing SNAU.
- Candidate of economic Sciences from 2015 year. 23 October 2015 year – defended her dissertation for a candidate degree in economics. Topic: «Organizational and economic regulation of sustainable agricultural production». Specialized Scientific Council К 44.887.01 in Poltava State Agrarian Academy. Specialty 08.00.03 – economy and management of national economy
- 2016 – 2019 years – Associate professor of Department of Statistics, Analysis of Economic Activity and Marketing SNAU
- In 2018 year – scientific title of Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, Analysis and Marketing SNAU.
- 2019 – 2021 years – Associate Professor of Department of Marketing and Logistics SNAU
- Doctor in Economic Sciences from 2021 year. 23 April 2021 year – defended her dissertation for a Doctor degree in economics. Topic: «Competitive strategies for managing the logistics activities of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice». Specialized Scientific Council Д 55.859.01 in Sumy National Agrarian University. Specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity).
- 2021 – 2022 years – Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics SNAU.
- In 2022 – scientific title of Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics SNAU.
- From October 2022 – Head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics SNAU.
Basic disciplines:: «Logistics», «Logistics Management», «Logistics Organization», «Small Business Marketing», «Marketing Pricing», «Territorial Marketing», «Agricultural Marketing», «Sustainable Development Marketing».
Main activities and responsibilities: modern trends in marketing and logistics, the system of logistics-oriented strategic management of agricultural enterprises on a competitive basis.
Аuthor of 148 scientific works, including 12 monographs (2 of them – single, 9 – coauthored, including 1 – foreign edition (English)), 7 – textbooks, 43 scientific articles in professional publications (including 4 articles in foreign publications, 3 publications in Scopus scientometric databases, 2 articles in the Web of Science scientometric database), 52 abstracts at conferences (in Ukraine, Latvia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany, Denmark), has 2 certificates of international experience, 5 certificates of copyright registration for a work.
Grant, state budget, economic contract issues.
Head of research: «Strategic management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises» (state registration number 0121U113074, 2021-2025)
Research participant: «Marketing support of the market of agri-food products in the conditions of sustainable development» (state registration number 0121U113070, 2021-2025);
«Marketing research of the market of tourist services» (provision of services for the development of scientific and technical products at the expense of the Department of Culture of the Sumy Regional State Administration, December 2021 – January 2022)
«Marketing research of the market of tourist services» (providing services for the development of scientific and technical products for the Department of Culture of the Sumy Regional State, December 2021 – January 2022)
«Management of logistics activities at enterprises of the agrarian sector» (providing services for the development of scientific and technical products for «Peremoga» LLC of the Sumy district, August 2023 – June 2024)
«Formation of a competitive strategy for the logistics management of the supply chains of the company’s products» (providing services for the development of scientific and technical products for «TIREX UKRAINE» LLC, Sumy, August 2023 – June 2024)
Certification training:
- Sumy NAU (March 25, 2019 – March 29, 2019) International. training seminar with the participation of the representative of the University of Applied Sciences Weinstefan-Trisdorf «Innovative aspects of enterprise planning» (certificate).
- National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine (September 16, 2019 – October 2, 2019): under the program «Innovative orientation of pedagogical activities – the introduction into the educational process of active (interactive) teaching methods in teaching the discipline «Logistics»» (certificate of advanced training).
- Poltava State Agrarian University (December 22, 2022) Webinar «Leadership during war».
- Scientific and methodological center of higher and professional pre-higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (June 2023). Training under the program of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers on the development and examination of tasks of the single professional entrance test, namely the remote express course: “Basics of testology and development of test tasks» and the practical part: development and examination of the tasks of the SPET subject test on management and administration.
International internship: Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Republic of Poland (February 12 – March 20, 2022) under the program «Fundraising and organization of project activities in educational institutions: European experience» and developed educational project on «Mechanism of strategic logistical management of relations of agro-food market subjects» (certificate).
Member of the permanent specialized academic council D 55.859.01 Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management (by types of economic activity)
Participated in the attestation of scientific workers as an official opponent for the defense of dissertations: Lyuba Turchyn – dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) on September 28, 2021, at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 55.859.01 at Sumy National Agrarian University. Dissertation topic: «Development of marketing activities of enterprises in unstable market conditions: theory, methodology, practice».
Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (the register of experts on accreditation of educational programs was approved by the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education on April 25, 2023)
Under the leadership of Makarenko N.O. prepared students who won prizes in the 2-nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers:
- From the specialty «Logistics» April 5, 2019, Kharkiv (prize-winner, diploma of the 1-st degree) – Shulepova Sofia «Development and principles of implementation of the logistics strategy of an agricultural enterprise».
- From the specialty «Logistics» April 2, 2020, Kharkiv (prize-winner, diploma of the 3-rd degree) – Skidanov Eugene, Pavlenko Daria «Optimization of logistics management in an agricultural enterprise».
- In the specialty «Logistics» April 2, 2021, Kharkiv (prize-winner, diploma of the 2-nd degree) – Verbytsky Konstantin «Formation of competitive strategies for managing the logistics activities of agricultural enterprises».
Preparation of the prize-winner of the All-Ukrainian competition for qualifying works in marketing, advertising, digital communications and brand management at the first (bachelor) level of higher education on June 2, 2023 (prize-winner, diploma of the 1-st degree): Budnik Daria. Management of the competitiveness of the logistics system of the enterprise. Khmelnytskyi National University.
Other information.
In June 2023, she was awarded the Thanks of the Organizing Committee of the All-Ukrainian Competition for Qualifications in Marketing, Advertising, Digital Communications and Brand Management (Khmelnytskyi National University) for her active participation in the training of students majoring in «Marketing» at the SNAU.
In August 2023 – Charter of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Sumy Regional State Administration for significant achievements in professional activity, impeccable work, personal contribution to the development of national education and science and support of the agrarian sector of the region.