Nataliia  Kolodnenko



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Nataliia is the author of 28 research papers (12 articles in professional journals; 2 articles in the Scopus and Web of Science database; 2 articles in international journals; 12 -in the materials of international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences) and 5 scientific and methodical recommendations for the last 3 years.
After defending the PhD thesis (October 2020) she published 5 articles in professional journals; 1 article in the Web of Science database; 6 individual and coauthored conference papers.



From November 9 to November 16, 2020 she participated in an international internship in the city of Lublin (Poland) on the topic “Online Learning as a Nontraditional Form of Modern Education on the Example of the Moodle Platform” (45 hours) and completed it with a certificate and from April 11 to May 8, 2022 at the University of Weihenstephan – Triesdorf (Germany) on the topic: “Methodology of Simplified Software Planning and Automation of Enterprise Planning Processes Using MAKS Software” (certificate). She has repeatedly participated in scientific conferences in Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic.

She was awarded the acknowledgement of the Rector for high professionalism in the organization of educational and methodical work at the University (2018), the badge of honor of SMC “Agro-Education” “For the Implementation of Innovations in Education” (2019), the gratitude from the Sumy City Mayor (2020) for conscientious work, professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of education and science, the certificate of the Department of Education and Science of the Sumy Regional State Administration (2021) for the long-term high rates in the performance of tasks of scientific and technical activity, organization and conduct of students’ research work, the “Person of the Year 2021” Award (2021) for the efficient organization of the educational process in the conditions of quarantine, the gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for initiative and perseverance, high professionalism, conscientious performance of official duties and significant personal contribution to the development of the sphere of education and science of Ukraine.

She conducts students’ educational and individual work, provides additional classes and consultations regularly. She participates in methodical support of the educational process, manages qualifying papers, develops educational and methodical complexes, distance electronic training courses.
She is a co-author of the following methodical recommendations, namely:

1) Marketing. Synopsis of lectures for the 2nd year students of full-time and part-time education majoring in 071 “Accounting and Audit”, 051 “Business Economics”, 072 “Finance and Credit”, 076 “Entrepreneurship and Stock Market Activity”, 073 ” Management of Organizations “, 281 “Public Administration”- Sumy. – 2021 – 84pp. (Protokol No 6 dated 23.05. 2021)

2)Marketing. Methodological recommendations for conducting practical classes in the academic discipline “Marketing” majoring in 071 “Accounting and Audit”, 051 ” Business Economics”, 072 “Finance and Credit”, 076 “Entrepreneurship and Stock Market Activity”, 073 “Management of Organizations”, 281 “Public Administration”, Sumy. – SNAU. – 2021. – 85pp. (Prpotokol No 6 dated 23.05. 2021);

3)Marketing. Methodological recommendations for conducting independent and individual work in the academic discipline “Marketing” majoring in 071
“Accounting and Audit”, 051 ” Business Economics”, 072 “Finance and Credit”, 076 “Entrepreneurship and Stock Market Activity “, 073 “Management of
Organizations”, 281 “Public Administration”, Sumy. – SNAU. – 2021. – 111 pp. (Protokol No 6 dated 23.05. 2021).