Doctor of Economics, Professor
E-mail: margarita.lyshenko@snau.edu.ua
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=Kv6Owh0AAAAJ
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6321-5178
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1842498/lyshenko-margarita-lma-lyshenko-margarita/
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57203537272
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/margarita-lyshenko/
Compliance with license conditions – (11 points) 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,14,19
Date and place of birth – March 17, 1980, Buryn, Sumy region, Ukraine.
Education: 1997-2002 – training at the Ukrainian Academy of Banking, specialty “Finance”, qualification of economist in finance.
2002 – worked as the chief economist of the budget department of the Burin financial management.
Total length of service – 17 years, incl. scientific and pedagogical – 17 years.
The main stages of pedagogical activity in higher educational establishments of the III-IV accreditation level:
06.11.2002 – 03.01.2006 – assistant of the chair of statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing of SNAU;
2002 – 2006 – postgraduate studies, specialty 08.06.01 – economics, organization and management of enterprises.
01.03.2006 – 01.09.2008 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Analysis and Marketing of SNAU;
01.09.2008 – 01. 09. 2017 – Associate Professor of Statistics, Analysis and Marketing Department of SNAU.
from September 1, 2017 – Associate Professor, head of Department of Statistics, Analysis and Marketing of SNAU.
since November 2018 – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department Statistics, Business Analysis and Marketing of SNAU.
September 2019 – September 2022 – Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department, SNAU.
From 01.09.2022 – Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management SNAU
On 26.04.2018 she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty “Economics and enterprise management” at a meeting of the specialized scientific council D 64.832.02 National Technical University of Agriculture at the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv.
05.07.2018 she has been awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Professor of the Statistics, Analysis and Marketing Department, 2019.
The main courses are: «Analysis of business activity», «Marketing communications», «Methodology of applied researches in marketing».
Areas of scientific research – research of agricultural markets of the region and Ukraine, marketing of the agricultural market, mechanisms of effective functioning of agricultural enterprises in the agrarian market.
Аuthor of more than 180 scientific works (10 monographs; 7 textbooks; 55 articles in professional journals; 8 articles in the Scopus database, Web of Science; 5 articles in international journals; more than 100 theses – in materials of international and Ukrainian scientific practical conferences, 4 reports on research) and 34 scientific and methodological recommendations for the last 5 years.
Since 2019, academic secretary of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education since January 2021. https://naqa.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA-%D0%B4%D0%BE-%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%94%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83_-%D0%9D%D0%9F%D0%9F-%D1%802601_2.pdf
Guarantor of the educational program in the specialty “Marketing” (Master’s degree) at the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Member of the project group for the specialty 072 “Finance, banking and insurance” (ONS Doctor of Philosophy).
Jury member of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers: Business Economics (Poliski National University – 2021-2023, Zhytomyr), Economics of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry (SNAU 2021-2024).
She is a member of the Public Organization “Association of Marketers of Ukraine”, the Public Organization “All-Ukrainian Congress of Agricultural Economists” (certificate No. 0057 dated November 14, 2018).
Member of the coordinating council for the implementation of the brand of the city of Sumy. Took part in the discussion of the tourist information post of the city of Sumy and the pages of the KU Promotion Agency “Sumy”. She is a participant and consultant in the development of the marketing strategy of Sumy City TG (tourism).
Member of the specialized council for dissertation defense at Sumy National Agrarian University since 2019 and Sumy State University since 2020.
She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Sumy National University”, “Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Dokuchaev”, “Journal of Accounting and Finance”.
Manages the training of graduate students, including one from the People’s Republic of China. Under her supervision, 1 candidate’s thesis was defended.
Scientific consulting:
She participated in international conferences in Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary and Poland, was an analyst at the research center for strategic studies, which was established at the Sumy National Agrarian University; made reports at round tables on the research of agricultural product markets.
Scientific consulting of the enterprise: scientific consulting of employees (merchandisers) for the entire corporation of LLC “Globynsky meat processing plant”, 2017.
Scientific consulting of village heads, individual peasant farms, entrepreneurs, farmers: Educational and practical seminar “Modern technologies in vegetable growing”, where cooperation was established with the farms of the Sumy region and the Sumy National University.
Participated in the development of the project of the Program of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the Sumy region for the period until 2020, the results of the research were taken into account when forming the Concept of the development of farms and agricultural cooperation for 2018-2020; individual research results were used in the process of monitoring and making changes and clarifications to the Strategy of Regional Development of the Sumy Region for the period until 2020. (reference Department of Agro-Industrial Development)
Participated in the certification of researchers as an official opponent for the thesis defense.
- Official opponent: Stasenko OM “Economic mechanism for improving the efficiency of grain production in agricultural enterprises”, October 29, 2013. Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva. (abstract).
- Official opponent: Kazakova IV “Efficiency of resource-saving technologies of grain production in agricultural enterprises”, June 3, 2014, Kharkiv National Agrarian University. V.V. Dokuchaeva. (abstract).
- Official opponent: Karamushka OM “Economic development of seed enterprises for the production of cereals”. “March 22, 2016. Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University (abstract).
- Official opponent: GRIDIN Alexander Vladimirovich. innovative development of agricultural enterprises-producers of grain. (Defense “1” November 2019 at 14.00 at a meeting of the Specialized Academic Council D 55.859.01 at Sumy National Agrarian University).
- Official opponent: March 24, 2021 defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics Girzheva Olga Nikolaevna on “Innovative marketing and commercial technologies for marketing products of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice” in specialty 08.00.04 – economics and business management (by type of economic activity) at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 55.859.01 at Sumy National Agrarian University.
- Official opponent: for the degree of Ph.D. Korobets Olena Mykhailivna “Organizational and economic principles of environmental risk management of the enterprise”, at the meeting of the specialized scientific council D 55.051.01 at Sumy State University., 2021, 28.04.2021
- Official opponent: Lesyuk Alyona Stanislavovna on “Comprehensive analysis of financial condition and forecasting the probability of bankruptcy of agricultural enterprises”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 05 “Social and Behavioral Sciences” in 051 “Economics”, June 23, 2021. , Poltava.
Member of the specialized dissertation defense council at SNAU.
- Sumy NAU (August 28, 2016 – September 13, 2016) under the Diamond FMS software training program (certificate).
- International internship: training course “Marketing and Management” in the Academy of Management and Administration in Opole (Poland). The content of the training was: “International Economic Relations and European Integration. European Experience of Management and Marketing in the Context of the European Integration”. The total training period is three months: from 1st of December 2018 to 1st of March 2019. Total – 150 hours.
- NUBIP of Ukraine NNI of postgraduate education under the program: “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity”. (certificate SS 00493706/010250-19 dated October 2, 2019)
- Training on modern interactive teaching methods Implemented within the framework of the DAAD Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities training program September 6-8, 2021. (participant certificate).
- Participant of the virtual summer school within the framework of DAAD Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities on the topic: “European Best Practices in digital instruments using” (07/05/2022-07/14/2022). – international internship
- 2023 – International internship within the academic mobility program of the European Union Erasmus+ (08.05-12.05.2023) Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
She is the head of preparation of students for marketing olympiads, the head of scientific works of students of specialty “Marketing”, “Economics”
- Management of the student scientific group “Analysis of business activity of the enterprise”.
- Preparation of the student for participation in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty “Economics of agriculture and agroindustrial complex” April 5-6, 2018 in Kamianets-Podilskyi (prize-winner, diploma of the 2nd degree).
- Preparation of the student for participation in the 2nd round of the Agrarian Marketing Olympiad May 22-24, 2018.
- Preparation of the student for participation in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty “Economics of agriculture and agroindustrial complex” April 11-12, 2019 (prize-winner, diploma of the 2nd degree) Baida S.V.
- Preparation of the student for participation in the 2nd round of the Marketing Olympiad in Odessa 4-5 April 2019 (Shapoval V.V) (diploma, 3rd place)
- Preparation of the student for participation in the 2nd round of the Agrarian Marketing Olympiad, May 22-24, 2019 (S.M Shulepova) (diploma, 3rd place).
- Preparing a student to participate in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Economics of Agriculture and AIC” April 21 – 23, 2021 Sumy (winner, diploma of the 1st degree) (Verbytsky KV)
Manuals, monographs.
- Makarenko N.O, Lyshenko M.O. Marketing in small business. Theoretical foundations: teach. – method. manual. – PE “Burynskaya Rayon Printing House”, 2018. 104 p.
- Zhmaylova O.G, Strochenko N.I, Lyshenko M.O, Zhmaylov V.M. Financial Analysis. Sumy National Agrarian University. Sumy. SNAU, 2019. 292 p.
- Makarenko N.O, Lyshenko M.O. Logistics. Theoretical foundations: teach. – method. tool. Buryn: PE “Buryn District Printing House”, 2019. 144 p.
- N.O Makarenko, M.O. Lуshenko. Marketing pricing. Theoretical foundations: teach. – method. tool. Buryn: PE “Buryn District Printing House”, 2020. 124 p.
- Lyshenko M.O. Efficiency of functioning of agricultural enterprises in the grain market: scientific bases, state, prospects. Monograph. – Buryn: PE “Buryn District Printing House”, 2018. 324 p.
- Lyshenko M. Innovative mechanism for improving organization of management by marketing assortment in the enterprise. Innovative tools for socio-economic systems’ development. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts. Katowice School of Technology. Monograph 25. 2019. С.127-135.
- Lуshenko MO, Makarenko NO Development of innovation and marketing measures to improve the management of the range and range of products. COMPLETE NUTRITION: trends in energy efficient production, storage and marketing: a collective monograph / ed. prof. VV Yevlash, prof. VO Potapova, prof. NL Savitskaya, Assoc. L. F. Tovma. – H.: NANGU, 2020. – 663 p.
- Lуshenko MO Marketing management of product distribution policy of a commercial enterprise. Development of competitiveness management systems of agricultural enterprises: monograph / ed. Mandic. – Kharkiv: Stylish Printing House Publishing House, 2020. P. 116-154.
- Mushtai VA, Lуshenko MO Consumer behavior: Textbook. way. Buryn: PE “Buryn District Printing House”, 2020. 240 p. (Minutes of the Council of Ministers №15 of 30.06.2020,) (10.0 printed sheets).
- Mushtai VA, Lуshenko MO Marketing researches. Tutorial. Sumy National Agrarian University. Sumy: SNAU, 2021. 231 p.
- Lуshenko MO, Zhmaylova OG Analysis of economic activity. Tutorial. Sumy National Agrarian University. Sumy: SNAU, 2021. 231 p. (9.6 printed sheets).
- Lyshenko MO, Danko YI, Mushtai VA Methodology of scientific research and maintenance of the principles of academic integrity. Tutorial. Sumy National Agrarian University. Incl .: Lishenko MO, Danko YI, Mushtai VA Sumy: SNAU, 2022. 170 p. (10.6 printed sheets)
- Mandych O., Mykytas A., Lyshenko M. Strategic marketing management in the context of business process reengineering. Mechanisms for ensuring innovative development of entrepreneurship: monograph. Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ, 2022. P. 180-194. (0.5 d.a.))
- Lyshenko M.O., Makarenko N.O. Makarova V.V., Mushtai V.A. Marketing research of the tourist services market: monograph. Sumy: University Book, 2023. 121 p.
Main publications(Web of Science + Scopus)
1.M.O. Lyshenko, N.O. Makarenko, V.V. Makarova, V.A. Mushtay. Organizational and Economic Regulation of the Grain Market inConditions of Sustainable Development. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. – SPRING 2018. – Volume IX. – Issue 1(25). – Р. 95-104. Scopus
2.Lyshenko M., Ustik T., Thermosa I. (2018). Transformation of methodical marketing approaches to the investigation of the problem of farming agricultural enterprises on the market of grain in globalization challenges. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. Volume 4, Number 5, December. Р. 158-167. (Web of Science)
3.Lyshenko M. O., Mykhailova L. I., Ustik T. V., Makhmydov H. Z., Polityakina L. I., Mykhailova О. S. (2019). Contemporary marketing concept as a component of sustainable development of the region and rural areas of Ukraine. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. Volume 40, Issue № 2. Р.81-91. (Webof Science)
4.Viktoriya Medvid’, Tetiana Ustik, Margarita Lyshenko. Criteria Measurement and Evaluation System of Functioning Efficiency of Ukraine’s Regional Landscape. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Volume IX, Issue 8(38), Winter 2018 С.2653-2663. https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/4119 Scopus
5.Lyshenko M.A., Ustik T.V., Pisarenko V.V., Maslak N.G., & Koliadenko D.L. (2020). Economic and marketing aspects of the functioning of small enterprises. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, №2 (33) 2020.С. 185-193. (Web of Science)
6.Liubov Mykhailova, Viktoriia Hrytsenko, Andrii Mykhailov, Margarita Lyshenko, Liudmyla Mohylna. Ecological-Economic Aspects of Supply of Qualitative Honey from Ukraine to the Global Markets. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. Volume. 41, Issue No. 1; Year 2020; P. 99-108. (Webof Science)
7.M.O. Lyshenko, N.O. Makarenko , V. A. Mushtai , V. V. Makarova , I.I, Kharchenko. (2021). Formation of Ecological-Economic and Marketing Food Potential of Ukraine as a Component of Sustainable Development of Regions ( Формування еколого-економічного та маркетингового продовольчого потенціалу України як складова сталого розвитку регіонів). International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. Volume 42, Issue № 1, 2021. Р.37- 50. (Web of Science)
8.Y. Hryhoriv, A. Butenko, V.Necnyporenko, M. Lyshenko, T. Ustik, V. Zubko, N. Makarenko, V. Mushtai. Economic efficiency camelina growing winh nutrition optimization under conditions of precarpathians of Ukraine. Journal of Agricultural Science 2 ● XXXII ● 2021. С.232-238. (Webof Science + Scopus)
9.Y. Hryhoriv, A. Butenko, V.Necnyporenko, M. Lyshenko, T. Ustik, V.Zubko, N. Makarenko, V. Mushtai. Economic efficiency camelina growing winh nutrition optimization under conditions of precarpathians of Ukraine. Journal of Agricultural Science 2 ● XXXII ● 2021. С.232-238. (Scopus +Webof Science)
10.Yaroslava Hryhoriv, Valentyna Nechyporenko, Andrii Butenko, Margarita Lyshenko, Maksym Kozak, Iryna Onopriienkо, Olena Shumkova, Viktoriia Shumkova, Lyudmyla Kriuchko. Economic efficiency of sweet corn growing with nutrition optimization. Journal of Agricultural Science. XXXIII. 2022. С. 1-7. (Scopus +Webof Science)
Articles for the last 5 years in journals and collections of scientific papers that are included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine
- .Lyshenko M.А. Problems of development of the grain market ofUkraine /International periodic scientific journal «Scientific World Journal», Issue №14, Volume 1. – Yolnat PE, Minsk, Belarus . – November – Р.113-116.
- Lyshenko M.А Indicators of efficient functioning of agricultural enterprises on the market of grain / «The scientific heritage». – Budapest, Hungary. – 2017. – №18 (18). – Р.2. – Р Р. 23-26.
- Lyshenko M.А., Mikhailova L.I. Foreign economic prospects for grain market development/ Scientific World Journal. – Issue №15, Volume 4. – Yolnat PE, Minsk, Belarus . – December – Р. 47-50.
- Lyshenko M.А Features of grain supply in agricultural enterprises / «The scientific heritage». – Budapest, Hungary. – 2018. – № 20 (20). – Р.2. – Р. 12-14.
- Margarita A. Lyshenko, Lyubov I. Influence of foreign economic policy of the countries of world producers of agricultural products in the grain market of Ukraine . Modern engineering and innovative technologies. №2. 2017. С.141-148.
- Lyshenko M.А. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise as an element of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise. Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Economic Sciences Series. 2018. № 2. S. 49-57.
- Lyshenko M.А. Marketing audit of analytical tools of functioning of domestic enterprises. WayScience, an international electronic scientific and practical journal. Dnipro, 2018. №2 (2). P.35-53.
- Lyshenko M.А. Audit of assortment as a direction of increase of marketing activity of the enterprise. Scientific notes of the Ostroh Academy National University. Economy series. 2018. Issue 38. P.25-30.
- Lyshenko M.А., Mikhailova L.I., Ustik T.V. Mechanisms for managing marketing and marketing of agricultural products in the grain market. APK economy. 2018. № 10. Pp. 40-49.
- Lyshenko M.А, Boyko I., Bilous V. Substantiation of effective support of the enterprise marketing strategy: assortment-quality-price [Electronic resource]. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 2018. №5 (16). Pp. 144-152. Resource access mode: http://www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/16-2018-ukr
- Lyshenko MА. Analysis of the economic efficiency of growing vegetables in Ukraine. Market Infrastructure, Issue 27/2019. P.190-196.
- Lyshenko M.А., Ustik T.V. Features of marketing risk management in the enterprise as a means of improving marketing innovation policy. Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Dokuchaev №1, 2019. P. 3-12.
- M.А. Lyshenko, Ya. Ponomarenko. Marketing management of agricultural products as a strategic direction of marketing distribution policy [Electronic resource]. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 2019. №2. P.169-176.
- Ustik T.V., Lyshenko M.А. The concept of sustainable (“green”) marketing and its impact on the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture: Economic Sciences. Kharkiv: KhNTUSG, 2019. Vol. 200. P. 72-83.
- M.А. Lyshenko, V.V. Gulyayeva, O.V. Vasilchenko. The system of organization and management of marketing at the enterprise. [Electronic resource]. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 2019. №4 (21). S. 258-265.
- N. Makarenko, М. Lyshenko, А. Savostyanova. Methodological bases of formation of competitive strategies of management of logistic activity of the enterprises. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agar University named after VV Dokuchaeva. Series “Economic Sciences”, № 2, 2020.S. 78-91 http://visen.knau.kharkov.ua/visn2020_2.html
- N. Makarenko, М. Lyshenko. Logistic approach to rational management and coordination of flow processes in agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agar University named after VV Dokuchaeva. Series “Economic Sciences”, № 3, 2020.S. 121-131. http://visen.knau.kharkov.ua/visn20203_11.html
- Lуshenko M. Marketing tools of strategic alternatives of enterprise management as a component of applied research methodology in marketing. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agar University named after VV Dokuchaeva. Economic Sciences Series, № 2, 2021. http://visen.knau.kharkov.ua/
- Lуshenko M., Mushtai V., Nechiporenko VV, Shumkova OV Innovative-methodical and scientific bases for evaluating the product range in the marketing management of the enterprise. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agar University named after VV Dokuchaev. Series “Economic Sciences”, 2021. № 2, Volume 2. Pp. 269-280. https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1127
- Yang Yang, M. Lyshenko. Theoretical and practical aspects of effective management of marketing activities of construction companies. Bulletin of VV Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series “Economic Sciences”, 2021. № 2. Volume 2. S. 166-176. https://visen.knau.kharkov.ua/visn2021t2.html
- Mushtai V , Lуshenko M , Makarova V. Methodological bases of scientific research of strategic directions of activity of enterprises according to the concept of relationship marketing. Economy and society. 2022. № 35. P. 273 – 279. URL: https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1127
- Lyshenko M.O., Ovcharenko E.I., Huk O.V., Mohonko G.A. The formation of competitive advantages based on the improvement of the company’s product quality management system in the context of ensuring financial and economic security. Formation of market relations in Ukraine: Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 2 (249). K., 2022. P. 170-176.
- Lyshenko M.O., Ovcharenko E.I., Huk O.V., Mohonko G.A. The formation of competitive advantages based on the improvement of the company’s product quality management system in the context of ensuring financial and economic security. Formation of market relations in Ukraine: Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 2 (249). K., 2022. P. 170-176.
- Lyshenko M., Kolodnenko N. Efficiency of application of the concept of intensification of commercial efforts (sales concept of marketing) at the enterprise. Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics and Technology. 2022. Volume 7. № 3, рр. 31 – 37. URL: http://ujae.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ujae_2022_r03_a4.pdf DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-4
- Zapsha H.M., Pysarenko V.V., Lyshenko M.O., & Kuksa I.M. (2022). Modeling of the financial and logistics management system of the capitalization of an innovative and safe business under marketing changes in the competitive international environment in conditions of digitalization. Market relations development in Ukraine. №4 (251) 2022, 117, 91–98. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6957308
- Мандич О.В., Бабко Н.М., Лишенко М.О., Харчевнікова Л.С. Цифрова трансформація та новітні комунікації як платформа для стійкого розвитку бізнесу. Моделювання розвитку економічних систем. 2022, №4. С. 15-17.URL: https://mdes.khmnu.edu.ua/index.php/mdes/article/view/104
- Мандич О.В., Бабко Н.М., Лишенко М.О., Харчевнікова Л.С. Особливості міжнародного трансферу технологій в сучасних реаліях розвитку системи управління. Вісник Хмельницького національного університету 2022, No 6, Том 1. С. 173-176. https://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2022-312-6(1)-25