PhD, Associate Professor
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=3aOXm5MAAAAJ
Research ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1825329/iryna–io–onopriienko/
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57217871280
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/iryna–onopriienko/
Date and place of birth: March 20, 1972, m. Koryukivka, Chernihiv region, Ukraine.
1. Sumy Agricultural Institute, 1994, specialty 0706 “Economics and management in the agro-industrial complex”. Qualification: economist-organizer.
2.Sumy National Agrarian University, 2020 specialty 075 Marketing. Qualification: Master of Marketing.
The main stages of pedagogical activity:
1994-1998 – Accountant of the Control and Audit Department (KRU) of Sumy region.
1998-2000 – economist of SF CB “Privatbank”.
2000-2003 – postgraduate studies at SNAU.
2001-2004 – Assistant of the Department of Statistics, Business Analysis and Marketing of Sumy NAU.
2004-2019 Associate Professor of Statistics, Analysis of Economic Activity and Marketing of Sumy NAU.
From 2019, incl. – Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics Sumy NAU.
Certification training: 2015 – Course: “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity” NULES of Ukraine Research Institute of Postgraduate Education
2017 – confirmed her English language proficiency by receiving a certificate in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level B2).
2019 – Course: “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity” National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Research Institute of Postgraduate Education
2019 – Course: “Improving the quality of research and publications for young researchers and doctoral students; Fundamentals of research work and principles of scientometrics “. Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy. Ukraine. Czech University of Natural Sciences. Prague. Czech Republic.
2019 – Course: “Training on project management – preparation of EU projects.” Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy (Ukraine). Czech University of Natural Sciences. Prague. Czech Republic.
2019 – Course: “Methods of enterprise planning”. Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy. Ukraine.
2019 – Certificate of professional development. International internship: training course “Marketing and Management” at the Academy of Management and Administration in Opole (Poland). The content of the training was: “International Economic Relations and European Integration. European Experience of Management and Marketing in the Context of European Integration».
2023 -Course “Psychological and physiological stability of educators” Ukrainian Association for Information Technologies. Kyiv. 2023
Main disciplines: Statistics, Statistics (in English), Statistics and theory economic analysis, Marketing Audit, Marketing Planning and Enterprise Control, Logistics.
The direction of scientific work is the study of agricultural markets in the region and Ukraine, marketing of the agricultural market, mechanisms for the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises in the agricultural market.
Has 152 scientific and educational publications, including: 4 monographs, 2 textbooks (2019, 2020), 51scientific articles in professional journals included in the list approved by the AC MES of Ukraine; 2 English-language articles in a foreign publication (2017-2019; 8 articles in scientometric databases Web of Science, Scopus (2019, 2020, 2021,2022, 2023), 6 lecture notes; 76 abstracts of international and national conferences; 37 methodical recommendations (26 of them for the period 2015-2023).
Grant, state budget and economic contract topics: Research participant: “Mechanisms for regulating the socio-ecological and economic development of enterprises in the regional-sectoral dimension” (state registration number 0114U001562); “Organizational and economic support for the development of the agri-food market” (state registration number 0116U002755); Formation of the institutional environment of modernization of the economy of the old industrial regions of Ukraine “(budget topic №0118U004490); “Institutional and technological design of innovation networks for Ukraine system of national security” program ECCAV Archimedes Foundation (budget № 0117U003855), Participant of the NDR: “Strategic management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises” (state registration number 0121U113074, 2021-2025)
Participated in international conferences in Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Morocco, Germany. Gave reports at round tables on the study of agricultural markets. Scientific consulting of the enterprise: seminar-workshop for employees (merchandisers) “Globino”, 2017. Scientific consulting of village heads, personal farms, entrepreneurs, farmers: Educational and practical seminar “Modern technologies in animal husbandry”, 2016.
Participated in the development of the forecast of socio-economic development of Sumy region in terms of cities and districts until 2022, 2019.
Participated in the certification of researchers as an official opponent in the defense of dissertations.
- Official opponent: Babayev V.Y. “State regulation of the development of service cooperatives in the agricultural sector”, March 23, 2007, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. (abstract).
- Official opponent: Efanov V.A. “Organizational development of service cooperatives in the infrastructure of the agricultural market”, January 22, 2010. Sumy National Agrarian University. (abstract).
Head of preparing students for marketing olympiad, the head of scientific work of students majoring in “Marketing”. 1. Management of the student scientific group “Statistics”. 2. Preparing a student to participate in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Marketing”, Alfred Nobel University, 2021. (Certificate of victory in the nomination).