E–mail: kseniiabliumska@snau.edu.ua
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=PHFfh4AAAAAJ&hl=uk&oi=ao
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0200-2280
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57208109894
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/4012327/-/
Date and place of birth – 16 of January, 1988 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
2003-2007 – studies at the college of the Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Enterprise Economics”, diploma with honors.
2007-2010 – studies at the Faculty of Economics of the Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Marketing”, diploma with honours.
2010 –2013 Kharkiv, Ukraine PHD IN ECONOMICS – Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko Thesis: Development of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises
During 2022 working in the team of Researchers, Laboratory of Networks, Innovation, Territories and Globalization (RITM), University of Paris-Saclay. Research is related to various aspects of marketing and branding of goods and services.
10 years of teaching experience in higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation: Sumy NAU
Teaches educational courses (Ukrainian language): “Public Relations”, “Service Marketing”, “Brand Management”, “Agrarian Marketing”, “Marketing and Branding of Territories”, “Business Strategies and Marketing Solutions”.
Teaches training courses (English): “Marketing”, “PR”.
From 2019 to 2021, a participant in the research project “Management of enterprise competitiveness on the basis of innovative marketing” commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
From 2021, a participant in the research project “Production and dissemination of circular economy ideas in accordance with the EU Action Plan” under the Jean Monnet Erasmus + program. Co-organizer of the first Plastic Challenge Hackathon in Ukraine, which was a part of the European Green Week.
Scientific work: 40 publications, including in an international publication indexed in the MNB SCOPUS:
Promising Developments in Bio-Based Products as Alternatives to Conventional Plastics to Enable Circular Economy in Ukraine Recycling, 7(2) doi:10.3390/recycling7020020 https://www.mdpi.com/2313-4321/7/2/20/htm – 2022
Marketing of start-ups and innovations in agricultural entrepreneurship Journal of Agriculture and Crops, 8(1), 27-34. https://www.arpgweb.com/pdf-files/jac8(1)27-34.pdf – 2022
Pecularities of the development of winery enterprises under uncertain economic conditions in Ukraine Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2021 http://managementjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/vol.21_3/Art33.pdf – 2021
Marketing tools to increase the competitiveness of craft dairy products. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Economics and Management, (3 (85), 11-14. https://snaujournal.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/161 – 2020
Investigation influence of store type on emotional state of consumer in the urban purchase. Foundations of Management, 11(1), 7-22. https://sciendo.com/downloadpdf/journals/fman/11/1/article-p7.xml – 2019
Under the “Belt and Road” initiative, the China and Ukraine governments should assume greater responsibility to promote trade Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Economics and Management, (3(81), 30-39.
https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2019.3.6 – 2019
Interconnections between territorial marketing and the brand of united territorial communities Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics. Volume 4. No 3. P. 415–421 https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-46 – 2019
Features and problematic aspects of food safety in the integration of Ukraine into the EU. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(18), 4787-4791.http://repo.snau.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/5228/1/Features and Problematic Aspects .pdf– 2017
The Marketing System of Formation of Competitiveness of the Agrarian Enterprises Business Inform, (1), 353-357.
https://www.business-inform.net/search/?qu=danko&x=12&y=10 – 2017
Competitive basis for the development of innovative marketing activities in the agricultural sector Actual problems of innovative economy, No 2, pp. 48-55. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/apie_2017_2_9. – 2017
Planning, Accounting, Analysis, Evaluation, Management and Administration of Costs on Promoting Finished Product Quality Provision Vol. 82: Jan/Feb 2020 http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/3230 – 2020
Scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.
Awarded the Sumy Mayor’s Prize “For Special Merits of Youth in the Development of the City”
1.Riga (Latvia) November 1, 2022. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Sustainability in Natural Resources Management
Report. «Products brand marketing strategy based on modern agricultural innovation: China-Ukraine’s case» (On-line)
2.University of Bologna (Italy) September 14-16, 2022. Conference & Ceremony for the signature of the Magna Charta Universitatum “Universities engaging with Society in Turbulent Times” (Visit)
3.Foggia (Italy) September 4 – 10, 2023. Meeting of participants of the international consortium INTERADIS.
Report. Media communication and international students: Exploring the Interaction between Intercultural Communication and Social Media of International Students” (Visit)
4.Doha (Qatar) September 10-11, 2023. International Conference on Islamic Finance and Banking
Report.«Use Social Media and Employer Branding to Reach Online Shoppers of Generation Z» (On-line)
5.Sumy (Ukraine) June 6-7, 2023. International Conference «Marketing and competitiveness socio-economic systems in the conditions of sustainable development» (On-line)
Report. “European experience of university branding”