Ph.D., Associate Professor
E-mail: Farafonova_L@ukr.net
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=01ypqy8AAAAJ&hl=ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9053-5177
Was born on the 08 of November, 1979 in Sumy.
After graduation in 1997 she entered to economic faculty of the Sumy State Agrarian University.
In 2001 she received a basic higher education in SNAU in the direction of training «Management» and got the qualification of bachelor of management.
In 2002 she graduated from Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty «Management of organizations» specialization «Foreign economic relations in agriculture» with assignment of qualification «Master of management».
In 2002, she enrolled in graduate school (the applicant) Sumy national agrarian University.
Since November 2002, working as an assistant Professor of the Foreign Economic Relations Management Department.
2004 year – senior lecturer of the Foreign Economic Relations Management Department.
In 2010 she defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic Sciences on speciality 08.00.04 – «Economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)» on the theme «Innovation activity of agricultural enterprises».
2015 year – associate Professor of the foreign economic activity and eurointegration Department.
2018 year – senior lecturer of the of the foreign economic activity and eurointegration Department.
2019 year – senior lecturer of the Department of management.
2020 year – awarded the academic title of associate professor.
From 2020 – present – Associate professor, Department of Management.
The main courses are: «Global Economy», «Innovation management», «Innovation Business», «Innovative development of the enterprise», «International management», «International environmental activities», «Management of foreign economic activity», «Customs Procedures», «International economic relations».
Areas of scientific research: Management of innovation and investment development of the agricultural sector of the economy.
Postgraduate students from PRC: Zhang Jiachang (Scientific tutor – PhD, ass.prof. Liudmyla Mohylna)
Training (internships):
19.06.2016-24.06.2016 – Certificate of On of the of Internship Program Complection (CHES).
28.08.2016-13.09.2016 – Certificate of Diamond FMS – level of A.
2019 – Certificate of Pearson Edexcel Level I Certificate in of ESOL International (Pearson Test of English General) (CEF B2).