Ph.D., Associate Professor
Google scholar: scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=4DzL0rYAAAAJ&hl=uk
ORCID: https://orcid.org 0000-0003-0872-2334
Researcher ID: T-9068-2018
1995-1997 – study at Sumy Commercial College, specialty “Accounting and Auditing”, diploma with honors.
1996-2004 – study at Sumy State Agrarian University, specialty “Organization Management”, diploma with honors.
Since 2003 – worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of management.
2014 – defended the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises (by types of economic activity).
2016 – awarded the academic title of associate professor.
The main courses are: Administrative Management (Ukrainian and English), Organization Theory (Ukrainian and English), Communication Management (Ukrainian and English), Self-Management (Ukrainian and English), Office Management (Ukrainian and English).
Areas of scientific research: “Organizational and economic bases of staff evaluation of agricultural enterprises”
Advanced training (internship):
- NUBR, certificate of advanced training CC 00493706/003447-17, 12.06.2017
- B2 Level Certificate in English, №000820152, 11.2017.
Participant in the European Union’s International Technical Assistance project “The EU Financial Sector as a driver for Sustainable Development” European Integration, Policy Reform and Networked Economy Perspectives “, EU Erasmus + Program” Jean Monnet Module “(project number 575275-EPP-1 -2016-UA-EPPJMO MODULE, registration in the Ministry of Economic Development, 22.05.2017, № 3613, certificate.
Other information: educational and production practice in Hermann Engelmann, USA, 2001-2002.