Alvina Oriekhova

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the department

CV_Alvina Oriekhova


Google Scholar:


Researcher ID: T-9847-2018

Scopus ID: 57203686539


Doctor of Economic Sciences
Specialty 08.00.04 – “Economics and Enterprise Management (by types of economic activity)” (2019).

Research Areas:
Conceptual foundations of strategic management for the development of agricultural enterprises under uncertainty.
Strategic innovative approaches to human resource management in organizations.
Grant, State Budget, and Contractual Research Projects:
Researcher in the grant project “EU best practice of life cycle assessment, social, environmental accounting, and sustainability reporting” / EULASTING #101047667-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE.
Project Manager of the contractual research project “Development of scientific and practical recommendations for implementing strategic management of entrepreneurial activities in the IT sector.”
Researcher in the contractual research project “Formation of an innovative management mechanism for sectoral development based on alternative energy during martial law and in the post-war period.”
Project Manager of the state-funded research project “Development of management in the context of international integration processes” (State Registration No. 0119U102483, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Project Manager of the research project “Accounting, analytical, and control support for enterprise activities in risk-oriented management conditions” (State Registration No. 0119U103682, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Professional Development (Internships):
EU Erasmus+ Program – K2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education. Project “From theory-oriented to practical education in agrarian studies” (TOPAS), Iași, Romania, 2019.
International Internship – “Innovation in education. Innovative technologies for teaching professional disciplines” at the Academy of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 2023.
Training course – “Promoting the development of empirical academic research in Ukraine.” Certificate No. SI/17, March 9-31, 2023.
Scientific supervisor training – “Scientific Supervisor Academy.” Project “Europeanization of doctoral studies according to innovative principles of PhD training in Europe: together towards a common future” (101083493 — EDOCS — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH). Certificate No. 011/2023, April 28, 2023.
Certificate course – “Corporate Social Responsibility / Responsible Business Conduct and Social Entrepreneurship.” Project “EU Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges and Opportunities for Business-Society Relations Transformation in Ukraine” (101094100 — EECORE — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA / ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH). Certificate No. 011/2023, June 30, 2023.
Advanced training course – “R&D and Business Collaboration” under the USAID “Economic Support for Ukraine” project. Certificate No. 247, December 11, 2023.
Other Information:
English language certificate (Level B2) – ECL Exam Centre “Universal Test”, November 16, 2017.
Expert in evaluating research and scientific-technical (experimental) development projects submitted for participation in competitions held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 12, 2022, No. 1111.
Supervisor of PhD students.
Member of specialized academic councils: D 55.859.01, D 55.051.01.
Certified Auditor of Ukraine (2018).
Certified Professional Internal Auditor of Ukraine (2018).
Member of the NGO “Professional Organization of Auditors, Accountants, and Lecturers of Accounting and Control Disciplines” (OKD).