Victoria Borisova

Doctor of Economics, Professor




Victoria Borisova


Web of Science ResearcherID

Google Scholar 




1997 – defense of the dissertation of the Candidate of Economic Sciences on a specialty 08.06.02 – business, management and marketing on a theme: “Financial planning as the tool of regulation of development of the enterprise”.

2004 – defense of the dissertation of the candidate of economic sciences on a specialty 08.07.02 – Economics of agriculture and agrarian and industrial complex on a theme: “Economic reproduction of resource potential of agrarian and industrial complex”.

2005 – Professor of Finance, Banking and Insurance Department

2013 – graduated with a master’s degree from Sumy National Agrarian University with a degree in Finance and Credit.

The main courses are: “Insurance Management”, “Research Methods in Finance”.

Scientific and methodical work

Areas of scientific research: Insurance protection of the natural component of national wealth.

Other information Sumy representative office of PJSC IC “VUSO”, 2018.

Internship at the Academy of Management and Administration – Opole (Poland) from 01.06.2020 to 31.08.2020.