Candidate of Economic Sciences (Finance, Money and Credit), Associate Professor
E-mail: tetiana.guzenko@snau.edu.ua; goldyjennifer6@gmail.com
Tetiana was born on December 20, 1981 in Sumy, Ukraine.
1998-2003 – studying at the Sumy National Agrarian University, majoring in “Accounting and Audit”, specialization “Finance and Credit”. As a result of her studies, she received a master’s degree with honors.
2003-2006 – studying at the graduate school of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Since 2003, she has worked as an assistant at the Department of Environmental Economics, assistant, senior teacher and associate professor at the Department of Finance.
2009 – defended a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.08 – Finance, money and credit, topic: “Formation of an off-budget fund for the reproduction of natural resources in the agricultural sector.”
Main educational disciplines: “Financial market”, “Financial services market”, “Securities market”, “Foreign exchange regulation”, “Financial intermediation”.
Scientific and methodical work
Areas of scientific research: Finances of nature management, Financial market of Ukraine.
Advanced training (internship): Warsaw University of Natural Sciences SGGW, Faculty of Economic Sciences within the framework of the Scholarship Program at the National Commission of Poland for UNESCO, 2017, Internship – Sumy Branch No. 2 of PJSC “Sberbank”, 2016.
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