Doctor of Economics, Professor
E-mail: serhii.frolov@snau.edu.ua
Web of Science Researcher ID
2011 – Doctor of Economics, specialty 08.00.08 – Money, Finance and Credit, dissertation topic “Development of methodological principles of budget management in the implementation of state socio-economic policy in border areas.”
2012 – academic title: Professor of Finance and Credit.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work in higher educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation: 33 years.
Areas of research: Banking Management, Public and Corporate Finance (prepared 4 candidates of economic sciences and 1 doctor of economic sciences).
Main disciplines: “Banking Management”, “Financial Services Market”.
Scientific and methodical work: published more than 150 scientific and educational – methodical works, including: 9 monographs (of which 1 – single, 8 – co-authored, including 1 – foreign edition (English), 4 textbooks , from them 1 individual, 1 under the general edition, more than 70 scientific articles in the professional editions included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 11 articles in scientometric bases: Scopus (from 2013 to 2021), 5 lecture notes, 5 remote courses in academic disciplines, more than 50 abstracts of international and national conferences, 16 guidelines.
Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Public and Municipal Finance” of the publishing house “Business Perspectives”, which is accounted for by the scientific-metric database CKOPUS.
Production connection: JSC “Motorsich” Zaporozhye, Eastern Office of the State Audit Office, Dnipro, ARMA (Agency for Investigation and Asset Management) Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
Advanced training in the specialty: Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Dnieper State Economic University, 2021.