Larysa Rybina

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor




Larysa Rybina


Web of Science ResearcherID

Google Scholar




1988 – 1993 – studies at Sumy State University.

1994 – 1997 – postgraduate studies at SSU and postgraduate studies at Sumy State Agrarian University.

2017-2018 – study at Sumy NAU, specialty in “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, educational degree “Master”.

1997 – defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic: “Study of the impact of the organization of non-cash payments on the economic performance of the enterprise.”

Since 1994 she has worked as an assistant at the Department of Finance of SSU.

Since 1996 she has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of finance department at Sumy National Agrarian University.

The main courses are: “Budget system”, “Investment”, “Management of financial rehabilitation”.

Scientific and methodical work

Areas of scientific research: Financial support of innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.