Iryna Shalyhina

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor




Iryna Shalyhina


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Was born in June 18, 1973 in Sumy.

1995 – graduated from Sumy Agricultural Institute with a degree in Accounting and Auditing and qualified as an economist in accounting and finance.

1997-2000 – studied at the graduate school of Sumy State Agrarian University.

From 1999 to the present, she has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor of finance, banking and insurance department at Sumy National Agrarian University.

2001 – defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.07.02 – Economics of Agriculture and Agro-industrial complex on the topic: “Economic and organizational mechanism of agricultural land use.”

2006 received the academic title of associate professor of finance at SNAU.

The main courses are:“Finance”, “Finance of Enterprise “.

Scientific and methodical work

Areas of scientific research: Financial aspects of formation and use of enterprise potential.

Upgrading (Internship):

2009 –  Sumy Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine

2013 –  SNAU under the program “Innovative activity in pedagogical activity”

2018 – Department of Finance of Sumy Regional State Administration.

Internship at the Academy of Management and Administration – Opole (Poland) from 01.06.2020 to 31.08.2020.