Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: iryna.samoshkina@snau.edu.ua; Samoshkina2018@gmail.com
Iryna Samoshkina
1993 – graduated from Sumy Agricultural Institute with a degree in 06.08 “Accounting, control and analysis of economic activity”.
1997-2001 – studied at the graduate school of the Ukrainian Academy of Banking and Sumy National Agrarian University.
Since 2001 has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of finance department at Sumy National Agrarian University.
2013 – graduated with a master’s degree from Sumy National Agrarian University with a specialty in Finance and Credit.
2005 – defended dissertation of the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.04.01 – Finance, Money Circulation and Credit on “Financial mechanism of improving the quality of natural resources in agricultural production”.
The main courses are: “Insurance”, “Social insurance”, “Regional economy (Ecology)”, “International credit and financial institutions”.
Scientific and methodical work
Areas of scientific research: Assessment of the level of insurance protection of agricultural enterprises.
Other information: Sumy representative office of PJSC IC “VUSO”, 13.01.2016 – 11.02.2016. Topic: “Features of the operation of insurance companies in modern conditions of development of the insurance market of Ukraine.”
Training course : “Management, Economy and Business” in the Academy of Management Administration in Opole (Poland), (180 hours). The content of training was: “Innovative Methods of Insurance of Agricultural Business”, from 1st of March to 31 of May, 2020.
«The use of innovative interactive online modules in teaching» (40 hours), Kyiv 07 – 08 September, 2021 in frame of the DAAD Project Nr. 57514792 „Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities“.