Ph.D., Associate Professor
E–mail: olha.kovalova@snau.edu.ua; olgakovalyovasumy@gmail.com
Google Scholar :https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=uZAi6-oAAAAJ&hl=ru
ORСID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4240-4498
ScopusID: 57203527046
Web of Science ResearcherID: ABE-8091-2021
The main courses are Production economics of agricultural enterprises (TOPAZ); Potential and development of the enterprise; Economics and organization of innovative activity; Enterprise capital: formation and use; Economics, organization and management in animal husbandry; Economics of food and processing enterprises; Innovative business development.
Areas of scientific research: improvement of the mechanism of using the economic potential of the agro-industrial complex on an innovative basis
Mishenin Y., Koblianska І., Yarova I., Kovalova O., Bashlai S. Food security, human health, and economy: a holistic approach to sustainable regulation. Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2023. Vol.9. No.4. Pp.50–78. https://are–journal.com/are/article/view/752
Olha Kovalova and Іnna Koblianska(2022) Farmland Evaluation to Stimulate the Rational Land Use and Soil Quality Enhancement: the Ukrainian Case. Land and Environmental Management through Forestry : monohrafiia. USA. Pp.355-371.
Mishenin Ye.V., Koblianska I.I., Yarova I. Ye., Kovalova O. M., Klochko T.A. (2022). Operationalizing the Sustainable Fertilizer Management Global Initiative at National Level: A Conceptual Framework. Scientific Horizons, Vol. 3. P. 76-88. https://sciencehorizon.com.ua/en/journals/tom-25-2-2022/realizatsiya-globalnoyi-initsiativi-z-upravlinnya-dobrivami-na-natsionalnomu-rivni-kontseptualni-zasadi/.
Mishenin, Ye., Marekha, I., Yarova, I., Kovalova, O., & Pizniak, T. (2022). Optimizing a portfolio of agri-environmental investments. Agricultural and Resource Economics, 8(1), 115–132. https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2022.08.01.06.
Kovalova, O., Yarova, I., Mishenina, H., Pizniak, T., & Dutchenko, O. (2021). Evolution of improving the normative monetary evaluation of agricultural lands. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 7(1), 137-163. https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2021.07.01.08.
М. O. Lyshenko, N.O. Makarenko, V. A. Mushtai, V. V. Makarova, I.I. Kharchenko, O. M. Kovalova. Formation of Ecological-Economic and Marketing Food Potential of Ukraine as a Component of Sustainable Development of Regions. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. 42, Issue No. 1; Year 2021.
ECW on the topic “Financial and economic diagnostics of the development of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and risks” under the leadership of Professor Nataliya STROCHENKO, PhD in Economics (agreement No. 1-5-2 dated 05.01.2024 with PSP “Garant” of the Sumy district of the Sumy region). The composition of the performers: Doctor of Economics, Professor Nataliya STROCHENKO, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Serhii BASHLAI, Doctor of Economics. associate professor Olga KOVALOVA, PhD in Economics, associate professor Nadiya PYLYPENKO, graduate student Andrii ZELENSKY, graduate student Maksym PYLYPENKO (protocol of the Scientific Coordination Council of SNAU No. 1 dated August 23, 2024)
SRW: Kovalova O. M., Novak O.M. Beekeeping as a direction of socio-economic development of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sphere. Report of the People’s Republic of China “Socio-economic development of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sphere”. (state registration number 0121U1111386). Amounts SNAU, 2024. P.118-131
Recent training: Internship at Za Mir LLC, Sumy District, Sumy Region (May 2024). International internship under the program “Methods of simplified Program planning and automation of enterprise planning processes using the MAX software” from April 11 to May 8, 2022. Advanced training at Sumy State University under the program “On Innovative Pedagogical Activity”, from November 4, 2020 to November 20, 2020. Training course «Economy and Business» in the Academy of Management and Administration in Opole (Poland). The content of the training was: «Economics and Business. The Best Management Practices for Implementation in Ukraine. Finance, Banking and Insurance» (from 1st of March to 31st of May, 2020). An international training seminar with the participation of a representative of the University of Applied Sciences Weienstefan-Triesdorf with a duration of 40 hours on the topic: “Innovative aspects of enterprise planning” (March 25-29, 2019). Advanced training with participation in the Erasmus+ international project “From Theoretical–Oriented to Practical education in Agrarian Studies”.