Ph.D., Professor
E-mail: nataliya.strochenko@snau.edu.ua; nataliyastrochenko@gmail.com
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=6sZteyAAAAAJ
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4721-9523
Scopus ID: 57194868225
Web of Science ResearcherID: D-5969-2019
Born August 30, 1962 in the village Hudymy of the Romny district of Sumy region. After graduating from the Gudimovska 8-year school in 1976, studied at the Dnipropetrovsk Technological College.
1979 – 1984 – faculty of Economics of Kharkiv Agricultural Institute, a diploma with honors.
1984 – Chief Accountant of the state farm “Andriyashivsky” of the Romny district, Sumy region.
1992 – Head of the Finance Department of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Sumy District State Administration.
1994 – took the Oath of a Civil Servant and was awarded the II rank of IV category.
1996 – Head of the Financial Regulation Department of Accounting – Chief Accountant of the Department of Agriculture and Food of Sumy Regional State Administration.
October 17, 1996 – defended her dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences in specialized scientific council K 02.33.01 Kharkiv State Agrarian University V.V. Dokuchaev. Research topic: «The state and efficiency of production of open soil vegetables in the conditions of transition to a market economy on the example of farms of Sumy region».
Since 1998 – teaching at Sumy State Agrarian University.
In 2001, the academic title of associate professor of the department of economics of the agro-industrial complex was conferred.
2001 – 2005 – Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Sumy National Agrarian University and until 2008 headed the Department of Economics of AIC.
2012 – Director of the newly created SNAU structural unit – Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management,
Since 2013 – until now – Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
In 2018 was re-elected by the Academic Council to a new term on the recommendation of the labor collective.
2016 – was awarded with the academic title of Professor of Economics.
The total length of scientific-pedagogical work at Sumy National Agrarian University is more than 20 years.
Areas of scientific research: Management of Sustainable Development of Agricultural Enterprises and Rural Areas.
In total, 152 scientific works were published, 86 of them were scientific (including 44 scientific articles in professional scientific publications of Ukraine and leading scientific publications of other countries and participation in 15 collective monographs) and 66 publications of educational and methodological nature (including 6 manuals).
Scientific leader of 4 research works and the responsible executor of 3 research works.
Participation in international scientific projects
Today under the guidance of Nataliia Strochenko faculty of Economics and Management participates in 12 international projects such as: Academic mobility of students and teachers within the framework of the ERASMUS + project Hohenheim University, Germany; Support for German language training courses (German Academic Exchange Service DAAD); Academic mobility of students and teachers within the framework of the ERASMUS + project University of Applied Sciences Weihenstefan-Trizdorf, Germany; Sustainable Agriculture Development – 360o Farm Assessment and Development of a Joint Development Strategy (Nestlé Swiss Cooperation Bureau in Ukraine); From theoretically oriented to practical training in agrarian field / TOPAS (ERASMUS + KA2); Support for the development of agricultural cooperatives in Ukraine (FAO / EBRD); Supporting the harmonization of the implementing of the Bologna Principles at Ukrainian agrarian universities, based on the example of Sumy NAU (Czech Development Agency); Using Diamond FMS Software in Management Decision Making (Elsman International Consultants BV, The Netherlands)
In addition, since 2018, she has been directing the Erasmus / Topas project, involving 10 partners from 6 European countries.
Advanced Training (Internship)
advanced training at the Ukrainian Law School of the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, topic “Topical Issues of Reforming the System of Local Self-Government” (April 11 – 25, 2018).