Ph.D., Associate Professor
E–mail: tetiana.klochko@snau.edu.ua; klochkotany@ukr.net
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YGX-17YAAAAJ&hl=uk
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8942-0938
Scopus ID: 58781452500
Web of Science ResearcherID: 38290226
Born in 1982.
2005, Sumy National Agrarian University, Master of Accounting and Auditing.
Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2014. The dissertation was defended on June 26, 2014 in the specialized academic council of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Dokuchaev of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, received a diploma of DK №022124.
Appointed to the position of senior lecturer of the Department of Management from September 1, 2018. Order of 31.08. 2018 № 1474-VK.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical (scientific and scientific and pedagogical work – for researchers) work in higher educational institutions – 5 years and 4 months, including in this educational institution (scientific institution) – 5 years and 4 months.
The main stages of scientific and pedagogical activities in higher educational institutions, indicating the position and place of work. 24.09.2009 – 30.06.2010 – Assistant of the Department of Economics and Controlling SNAU; March 11, 2013 – August 12, 2013 – Assistant of the Department of Economics and Controlling of SNAU; On October 2, 2017, he is still a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of SNAU.
Participates in the methodological support of the educational process, the author of methodological developments for all fixed courses, prepares educational and methodological complexes (working curricula, curricula in disciplines, test tasks, etc.). The author has developed training courses for distance education in the electronic platform MOODLE.
The applicant is the author of 33 scientific papers (1 monograph; 17 articles in professional journals; 1 article in the Web of Science database; 15 – in the materials of international and national scientific-practical conferences) and 9 scientific and methodological recommendations for the last 5 years of which 4 lecture notes) and 1 textbooks. Research work is carried out in accordance with the research plan of Sumy National Agrarian University. Participation in the report № 0119U100455 on the topic “Scientific and practical principles of green finance management taking into account regional specifics”. Internship (for the last 5 years): 2018 – PAF “Kolos” Bilopil district, Hannivka-Vyrivska village. Internship abroad. Poland Opole 01.03.2020-31.05.2020 Certificate № 096. Relations with production: PAF “Kolos” – provided scientific advice on improving production efficiency, development of job descriptions; collecting analytics at the enterprise. She received a certificate confirming a fairly high level of foreign language proficiency in 2018.