Associate Professor
E-mail: nadiia.pylypenko@snau.edu.ua; nadijapilipenko70@gmail.com
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=th1uzOwAAAAJ&hl=en
ORСID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1064-389X
Scopus ID: 57212558222
Web of Science ResearcherID: W-2652-2018
1989 – 1994 – Studied at Sumy Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Economics, specializing in “Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activity,” graduated with honors.
1996 – 1998 – Completed postgraduate studies at Sumy National Agrarian University.
In 1998 – Defended a PhD dissertation in Economics, specialty 08.06.02 “Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing,” on the topic “Tax and Subsidy Management in Agriculture.”
In 2002 –the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Economic Theory.
2019 – 2021 – Studied at Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, majoring in “Psychology,” graduated with a Master’s degree with honors.
Work Experience:
1994 – 1998 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, Sumy National Agrarian University.
1999 – 2000 – Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy National Agrarian University.
2000 – Present – Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Sumy National Agrarian University.
July – December 2022 – Visiting Professor, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Professional Development (Internships):
American University Kyiv, “Behavioral Economics During Wartime: Breaking Biases,” Certificate ID: LLL-0023-WBE-NOV22 (11.2022-12.2022).
Wiesbaden Academy of Psychotherapy, Germany. “Basic Consultant of Positive Psychotherapy,” Certificate No.: UKR-164-2022. (03.2021-07.2022).
West Finland College, Finland. “Organization of the Educational Process in Finnish Educational Institutions” (02.02 – 10.02.2020).
Saxon Center for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (10.10 – 17.12.2019), “Strengthening Teaching and Learning as a Strategic Goal of Higher Education Development.”
Cracow University of Economics, Polish-Ukrainian Project on Pedagogical Training, Poland (04.02-22.02.2019).
National University “Lviv Polytechnic,” Laboratory of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies, “Professional Development of Higher Education Teachers” (26.11.2018-26.12.2018).
The main courses are: “Microeconomics,” “Macroeconomics,” “Behavioral Economics,” “Empirical Methods in Sociological Research,” “Psychology and Pedagogy in Higher Education” (double degree program between Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine) and Royal Agricultural University (United Kingdom)).
Main field of scientific interests: Sustainable development of the agricultural sector, competitiveness of the agricultural sector, rural development, behavioral economics.
Grant, State-Funded, and Contractual Research Topics:
SFT “Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Aspects of Diagnosing the Functioning of the Regional Economic System” (State Registration Number 0117U000911, 2017-2019).
CFT “Development of the Forecast for the Socio-Economic Development of Sumy Region for 2018-2022,” Contract No. 86 dated March 16, 2018;
“Development of the Forecast for the Socio-Economic Development of the Romny District of Sumy Region for 2018-2022,” Contract No. 84 dated March 16, 2018;
“Development of the Forecast for the Socio-Economic Development of the Hlukhiv District of Sumy Region for 2018-2022,” Contract No. 85 dated March 16, 2018;
“Development of the Forecast for the Socio-Economic Development of the Velyka Pysarivka District of Sumy Region for 2018-2022,” Contract No. 875 dated 16.03.2018;
“Sustainable Development Strategy of the Velyka Pysarivka Community until 2027,” Contract No. 5-5-1 dated 05.05.2021.
Other Information:
Supervised 9 winners and prize holders of national and international student scientific and diploma work competitions.
Awarded the honorary diploma by the Department of Scientific and Educational Support for Agrarian Policy and Rural Development (2014) for promoting student research development.
Chairperson of the jury for the 3rd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Economics.
Membership in Public Organizations:
Member of the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation.